Chapter 103 Dark Warrior

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On the artillery positions of the second line of defense, streaks of light flashed, accompanied by a piercing whistle, and the shells arrived in an instant!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The shells poured down violently, recklessly, creating a sea of fire, even hitting Andrew behind him.

With a tremendous shock-wave, carrying debris such as rocks and fragments of worms, Andrew was overturned, and a strong airflow instantly separated him and Tian Weidai. Only shreds of clothes from Tian Weidai were left in his tightly clenched hand.


"Who the f*** is firing the artillery? Is it Wang Dapao again?" General Fu Liaoyuan stood on a twenty-story building, holding a telescope in his hand, and asked discontentedly.

"General, the troops responsible for the main defense in the east are under General Wang's command. It's not our concern. We are the second line, so you don't need to worry about it." The chief of staff, Qin Min, said beside him.

"Bullshit! It's already this late... forget it, Old Qin, immediately take people to snatch him! Take the guards battalion and go right away!" Fu Liaoyuan said impatiently.

"Snatch him? Snatch who?" Fu Liaoyuan changed the topic too quickly, and Qin Min felt a bit at a loss.

"Yes, that, just now I saw a master. One person killed a golden armored beetle. Even the top expert of the headquarters, 'King Kong Beast,' is not as good as him. Why are you still standing there, hurry up! Don't let Wang Dapao snatch them!" Fu Liaoyuan urged. In this world, having soldiers and guns alone was not enough. They needed masters and the new weapons from the General Research Department!

"General, there have been recent orders from the headquarters. If these people don't want to join the army, we can't force them. There was a big mess caused by this a while ago, and hundreds of people died. The headquarters issued strict orders!" Qin Min quickly said.

"Why are you so stubborn? You're already a chief of staff. Who said you have to threaten them? Can't you use incentives? Can't you persuade them? Tell him that our division will agree to any conditions, just as I said!" Fu Liaoyuan got angry. This Old Qin was good in everything, but he was too stubborn. He didn't dare to step over the line of the headquarters' orders. Now if this division didn't make some moves, didn't make some small moves, sooner or later, they would be finished.

"Alright, I'll give it a try. General, you still need to go to the headquarters tonight to urge them about the supply issue. It's been delayed for several days..." Qin Min wanted to say a few more words, but he was directly interrupted by Fu Liaoyuan.


"Cough, cough!" Andrew spat out the mud in his mouth and crawled up from the ground. The artillery fire had stopped, but the power of the shells used was far greater than the previous weapons.

Except for sporadic gunshots of supplementary shots, the surroundings were filled with the painful moans of injured refugees.

There were craters, loose soil, wounded soldiers, blood, and corpses of insects everywhere.

This was not the first horrifying scene that Andrew had witnessed. The purgatory of corpses and blood in front of the Xicheng City was even worse than today.

However, one was caused directly by the insects, while the other was caused by the artillery fire of the humans themselves.

Andrew dared to conclude that the number of people killed by the insects was definitely not more than those killed by their own artillerymen!

A shadow quickly pounced on him, it was the little tiger. Andrew held it in his arms.

The little tiger rubbed its head against Andrew's chin, very affectionate.

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