Chapter 186 Tomorrow I will Leave

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Andrew seemed to have returned to the City of Terror. Like a ghost, he wandered through the deserted town.

In order to maximize the preservation of the vitality of the hunted Red Armor Beetles, Andrew abandoned the Dark Energy Gun and resumed the Frost Arrow. Initially in the Misty City, he had retrieved all the bows and arrows from the club there.

Neither marksmanship nor archery was his forte, ultimately, besides designing blueprints and compiling debug programs, he had no particular expertise. A humble employee of the Sunshine Era, that was his original "skill" for making a living. But now, those "skills" he once relied on to support his family were barely of any use.

Shooting, archery, equestrian skills, in his original world, were all quite distant from him. He always thought of them as activities for the wealthy and idle, a different world from his own.

Jay-den's archery was better than his, because back then, Jay-den had spent all his hard-earned money on the club in pursuit of a girl, but it turned out to be in vain.

Andrew was a meticulous person who never wanted to engage in activities where the input and output were disproportionate.

Honest work, saving money, finding ways to buy a house, then marrying a wife who knew how much soy sauce cost per bottle, and finally having a child - that was the true portrayal of his simple life as an ordinary person.

However, everything vanished into thin air, and in the last few days of the year, his life took a major turn.

He had to learn how to shoot arrows, how to use a gun, how to escape, and even how to kill -- he had to learn everything one by one.

Practice once again proved that skills were forced out just like snapping a turtle's egg. He might not become a sharpshooter hitting the bullseye from a hundred steps, but the ability to skillfully hit a Red Armor Beetle the size of a car from a distance could still be honed through prolonged practical training.

If Andrew hid in the dark and the Red Armor Beetle made no significant movements within his range, he could now shoot arrows accurately.

But if he didn't move and the insects did, or if the insects didn't move and he did, his accuracy would still be maintained.

And if both he and the insects moved, under normal circumstances, Andrew never shot. It would be pointless to shoot. Basically, the arrows would miss.

He would never waste any vitality on futile efforts.

It's not that he lacked ambition, but catching a Red Armor Beetle would only yield about two units of vitality. The risk involved was immeasurable.

Using the least amount of attack element symbols would require around fifteen units of vitality, equivalent to nearly eight Red Armor Beetles.

In a situation where the ground was covered with insects, it was no longer like the old days in Shen city where he could easily hunt one or two alone. Eight Red Armor Beetles were enough to keep him busy amidst the dangers posed by the large group of insects.

When he had gathered enough vitality to seal a beast symbol, Andrew could finally change his strategy and seal one Red Armor Beetle as bait. Continuously attracting other Red Armor Beetles alert to the sealed one. Increasing his hunting success rate.

Whenever darkness reigned over the land again, Andrew quietly returned to the fifteen-story tall building. Andrew had made some modifications to this building. The first three floors were covered with a thick layer of corrosive mucus from the Red Armor Beetles.

Those annoying rats had come by once or twice. Blocked by the corrosive mucus or perhaps afraid of the insects inside, they all bypassed the area later, making Edgar astonished by the miracles and incredulous events.

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