Chapter 179 Speed

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Andrew flipped the cloak back and forth, trying various methods such as injecting elements and energy to find the trick, but to no avail. The cloak did not turn into flames, nor did it conceal his form.

Obviously, this cloak had rules or mechanisms unknown to him. For the time being, he couldn't figure it out.

Andrew's goal was to understand the principle behind the cloak's ability to conceal his form. If he could apply it to his battle armor in the future, he would have an extra layer of protection.

However, considering the current situation, it would take some time to figure out. Andrew thought to himself that he should think of other ways to escape from here soon.

There was already a faint light outside, making the ground slightly visible, although it was still blurry in the distance.

Andrew didn't dare to come out as insects seemed to be running back and forth above his head, with some hesitating. The scarab even paused, trying to drag away the seemingly "asleep" golden scarab. Andrew had to take the risk and use the dark energy gun to kill a few.

For three consecutive days, Andrew stayed hidden in the earthen cave, not daring to move. The number of scarab corpses in the pit was increasing. If he didn't figure out a way to escape soon, he might not last until the fourth day before being discovered by the swarm!

Fortunately, during these three days, he discovered some patterns in the movement of the insects. After a wave of insects passed, there was at least a ten-minute window of opportunity. With no new insects appearing, he had to move to a different location within those ten minutes.

Thud, Thud, Thud!

Another wave of insects hurriedly crawled from the top of his earthen cave towards the giant pit left by Jinling City.

Andrew fired two shots to kill the scarabs attempting to drag the bodies. He crawled out of the cave; he had to leave. In the past two days, the insects that passed by always left one to try to move the bodies. Now, with more bodies in the pit, it had become two. At this rate, the pit would be filled with insect bodies, and they would notice something was amiss tonight.

This was all due to the results of using the Material-Storage Elemental Symbol near the entrance of the cave. Otherwise, he would have been discovered by the swarm long ago.

The faint light in the sky was fading, and he had to escape in this dim light before darkness fell. If discovered, distinguishing the surroundings from the insects in the dark was different. With both eyes blind in darkness, he wouldn't know which direction to break through. If he accidentally entered the insects' nest in the chaos, he probably wouldn't survive until tomorrow. Andrew quickly collected the golden scarab and the scarab corpses he had killed. Climbing up the earthen pit wall, he reached the surface and searched around, relying on the flying tendrils to guide him in the right direction.

After Jinling City disappeared, there was only a giant pit on the ground. Three days ago, when he was fleeing underground in the darkness, he was completely disoriented and didn't know which side of the original Jinling City he was on!

The only thing he could see was the distant giant tomb, but Jinling City was originally surrounded by tombs on all sides. They all looked the same, making it impossible to use them as reference points.

After searching quickly, he didn't see the Yangtze River or hear the sound of the river, indicating he wasn't on the west or north side.

After searching quickly, he didn't see the Yangtze River or hear the sound of the river, indicating he wasn't on the west or north side

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