Chapter 180 Entering the Town

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The flames descended from the sky, falling one after another, burning the insects within a thirty-meter radius of Andrew into ashes.

The flames descended from the sky, falling one after another, burning the insects within a thirty-meter radius of Andrew into ashes

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This was because the insects were beings of a fire energy system. If it were ice symbols of equal power, insects within at least fifty meters would be wiped out clean.

Seizing this opportunity, Andrew exerted himself once more. Like a cannonball, he fiercely charged in the direction of the Town.

What he needed most now was light, just a glimmer of light to see the movements of the surrounding insects. With his agility, he could evade attacks from all directions and accelerate his pace. But this was wishful thinking, without light, without brightness, only darkness and pitch-blackness before his eyes, an unfair intense battle, the insects could "see" him, but he couldn't "see" the insects!

No matter where he was positioned, no matter how he charged, there was a constant deluge of corrosive slime pouring over him, if not for his armor, even the Black Martial King would probably have perished by now.

He could feel each step landing in a pile of corrosive slime, a slight misstep could lead to a fall. This was the first time since entering LV2 that he had been forced into such a situation by a group of low-level insect creatures.

These insects were not as powerful as the Flame Phoenix or as mighty as the Purple Flame Demon Insect, but they had an incomparable advantage in numbers, enough to overwhelm and drag down any kind of creature.

Andrew had always tried to avoid direct confrontations with large insect swarms, it had always been like this. Throughout his various experiences, the number of intense battles with large insect swarms could be counted on one hand.

That feeling of endless killing and never-ending extermination, the constant surging of insects, would instill despair in anyone from the depths of their soul.

During the thunder and lightning, Andrew estimated that the town in the development zone was only about three kilometers away from his position. Although it was close, every meter he advanced came at a great cost.

Andrew only had the 9 Fire Separation Symbols on him, using one meant having one less. If he ran out of old talismans and still couldn't reach the town, he would truly be in danger!


Three kilometers away in the development zone town.

"&&##$$$!" Edgar almost collapsed and shouted in half-baked Chinese, "He's coming towards us! He's leading the insects over!...!!!"

"Damn it, shut your mouth! Keep yelling, and I'll throw your black ass out to feed the insects!" Liu fiercely smashed the butt of his gun on Edgar's back.

The black man Edgar grimaced in pain, but clung tightly to Liu's thigh, panicking, "Liu, he's leading the insects over. We're all going to die, all going to die..."

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