Chapter 105 at parting

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"Old Duan, it's none of your business, don't interfere!" Inspector Xiao Zhang frowned. The other party already had three Dark Warriors, and now there was also Old Duan, who seemed to be speaking on their behalf.

Inspector Zhang made up his mind and was about to fire a warning shot to call for reinforcements. However, unfortunately, if he did so, the commendation from the headquarters would also be distributed to others, and he would receive very little recognition.

"Inspector Zhang, let's talk privately, let's talk privately!" Duan Danian's tone was very polite, but he "enthusiastically" grabbed Inspector Zhang's hand and led him to the back of a nearby abandoned vehicle.

After about ten minutes, the two returned one after another.

Duan Danian followed behind Inspector Zhang and made a mysterious OK gesture to Andrew.

"Chu? Mr. Chu, since you are not reassured to leave the tiger to me, let someone lead you to the headquarters' Species Management Division!" Inspector Zhang quickly said, somewhat vaguely. Then he whispered to the soldier behind him and made a gesture for Andrew to hurry up.

Andrew was always cautious. Although he was surprised at the sudden appearance of the leader of the bandits, he had no trust in him at all. The moment before, this person was preparing to rob him, and now he could naturally collude with Inspector Zhang to set a trap for him. So he stood still and continued to absorb the elemental energy from the symbol of take in vitality. Relying on himself was the safest way.

"Next!" Inspector Zhang sat back behind the table and sang loudly, completely ignoring Andrew. He casually brushed off the matter as if it had never happened, as if he didn't care if Andrew stayed or left.

But Andrew remained motionless, waiting until he had absorbed most of the elemental energy from the symbol of take in vitality before he prepared to enter the city. At this time, Zhao Shanhe's proof documents were already obtained, and together with Huang Renkuan, the three of them followed the soldier assigned by Inspector Zhang, crossed the checkpoint, and entered the eagerly awaited Jinling City!

Inspector Zhang's men only accompanied them for a short distance. The leader of the bandits smiled and handed him a cigarette, then quietly returned alone, leaving only Andrew and the bandits.

Andrew smiled self-mockingly. It seemed that the insects had already made him nervous, and his guard was always high.

"Brother Chu, let's get to know each other again. I am Duan Danian, from Wucheng, Anhui Province. I have offended you before, and I hope you can forgive me!" Andrew hadn't asked why he helped him yet, but Duan Danian took the initiative to speak, even using respectful language.

"Let's forget about what happened before. After all, we didn't come to blows. Anyway, thank you for your help just now, but I don't like owing favors to others. What did you give to Inspector Zhang? I'll repay you double." Andrew said directly. Everyone has motives for everything they do, and he didn't believe that Duan Danian suddenly had a change of heart or helped him just because of an apology. There must be something else behind it. What good thing can these murderous bandits have? It's better not to get involved in this mess since he just arrived.

"Brother Chu, what are you talking about? This is just a way to apologize. It's nothing. Brother Chu doesn't need to worry about it." Duan Danian repeatedly waved his hand.

"Big, big, big brother, what we gave to Inspector Zhang, it, it's the 95 Supreme cigarettes, cigarettes." The skinny stutterer said resentfully.

"You motherf***er, if you don't speak, you'll die!" Duan Danian furiously pushed him, and the stutterer fell to the ground. "Brother Chu, these men are all idiots who don't know the rules and talk nonsense. Please don't mind."

Andrew smiled. Duan Danian's little trick was as clear as a mirror in his heart. It was just a way to speak through his subordinates, to talk about the cost he had paid. However, this trick seemed a bit childish. Not to mention that he and Huang Renkuan could see through it at a glance, even Zhao Shanhe, who had always been careless, was smiling mysteriously at this moment.

But he felt a bit strange. Was a cigarette more important than food? One was a luxury item, and the other was a necessity. In the Age of Sunshine, luxury items were naturally expensive, but what could be more important than food, which was a necessity, in the Dark Age?

But he didn't ask. He had just entered Jinling City. What had it become? What was the situation with supplies? How safe was it? What forces existed?... He knew nothing about these situations. He couldn't guess the role of a pack of cigarettes in Jinling City. Perhaps Zhang Jiancha could use it to bribe his superiors. After all, the military was not in desperate need of food, especially senior officers.

Since Duan Danian insisted like this, Andrew didn't want to talk anymore. He had to hurry to his aunt's house in the north of the city. The closer he got to this moment, the more afraid he became. He was afraid that his aunt's house would be empty.

"Alright, I'll call you Old Duan. We'll see each other again later. I have urgent matters to attend to, so I'll leave first," Andrew said casually. Since Duan Danian said it was an apology, he would take it as an apology. As long as he was powerful, who could control or restrict him?

"Chu, I'll wait for Lao Cui and the others. I promised Cui Yuquan that we wouldn't believe that there is no way out in this world! I won't say anything else, thank you anyway!" Zhao Shanhe interrupted before Duan Danian could speak. A smile bloomed on his face.

"Brother Chu..." Duan Danian finally managed to speak, but he was immediately interrupted by Huang Renkuan, who was standing next to Andrew. "Xiao Zhao, don't worry about Lao Cui and the others. You can rest assured. I've been working for the country for more than 20 years. They can't wipe us out so easily!"

Andrew roughly understood Huang Renkuan's little thoughts. Helping others was just a side effect. The key was to help himself restore his official position. However, no matter what, the refugees in Jinling City would naturally rely on the government. Objectively speaking, if because of Huang Renkuan, Lao Cui and the others could receive a little more care from the government, it would be a good thing.

"Say hello to Lao Cui and Mengmeng for me. I won't wait for them," Andrew put down the little tiger, tidied up his clothes and shoelaces.

He had told Lao Cui and Cui Yuquan many times that he could not help them much. After arriving in Jinling City, they would ultimately have to rely on government relief. This was the government's responsibility.

In fact, he had tried his best on this journey, whether it was giving them worm meat, baby formula, or later risking his life to kill the golden armored beetles to save the little girl Mengmeng. The rest of the matter would be left to the government.

After bidding farewell to Zhao Shanhe and Huang Renkuan, Andrew took out the map of Jinling City that he had prepared long ago and looked for the route to the north of the city as he walked.

The walls on both sides of the road into the city were covered with flying pieces of paper, each of which had a hope written on it:

"...Husband, we have arrived. Our daughter is still alive, but where are you?..."

"...Son, are you still alive? It's all my fault for forcing you to go to Shencheng University. Mom misses you so much and prays to God's mercy every day..."

"...Wife, our son is dead. I don't know how to survive every day. If you don't come, I'm ready to go down and accompany our son..."

"...Mom and Dad, my sister and I have arrived in Jinling City. My sister is injured. Please come quickly, I'm so scared!..."



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