Chapter 174 Ice trap Symbol and Breach

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"Opening the Reverse-world requires the Black Dark Warriors' endorsement of dark energy, so they need a large number of Dark Warriors to make preparations in advance, this is the list of division." Mantra handed a file to Andrew and said slowly.

Andrew glanced at it quickly and asked, "Fire energy, ice energy, there are many Dark Warriors with these two attributes in Jinling City, the metal energy can be gathered with some effort, but wood and earth energy are extremely rare, how did they gather them all?"

"This is the contradiction between the White Clothed Lady and the Cloaked Ones. According to the Cloaked Ones, they have already built a conversion machine that can use metal energy to generate wood energy, fire energy to generate earth energy, activate the energy field, and open the entrance.

However, the White Clothed Lady believes that the attributes generated in this way are unstable, with a low success rate, wasting resources, or even damaging the machine. She requested a delay to search for Dark Warriors with these two abilities or improve the machine." Mantra said with a slight smile.

"And the result?" Andrew asked directly.

"Of course, Fang Yuehou disagrees, but the Cloaked Ones seem urgent to enter the Reverse-World. They claim that if the White Clothed Lady does not cooperate, they will act alone, but whatever they find, they will not share." Mantra shook his head.

"When is the deadline?" Andrew pondered. He didn't know why the Cloaked Ones were so eager to enter the Reverse-World to find something, but the White Clothed Lady probably attached equal importance. In the end, they might have to open it early.

"Not very clear, but it probably won't exceed six or seven days. Now that the insects haven't attacked, the headquarters has required all Dark Warriors to conserve energy and prepare." Mantra said immediately.

Andrew calculated briefly. Although the time was short, it was enough for him to convert the energy of the Sealing Element Symbol into Tier-3 attack elemental symbols. It just made nurturing the Purple Flame Devil Insect a bit more urgent.

But for now, he didn't actively seek trouble with the two "foreign race" and temporarily didn't need the Purple Flame Devil Insect.

This insect, besides ancient books, was now his greatest reliance.

Andrew locked himself in the secret room on the tenth floor of the office building, where he started to create a large number of third-level attack elemental symbols. It was actually a very dangerous thing to create advanced elemental symbols across levels. He had to control the consumption of elemental energy steadily to avoid the risk of energy explosion and potential threat to his life.

His main enemies were still the insects, two of them. The "foreign race" could only be considered potential opponents. As long as the threat from the insects had not been completely eased, the conflict would not escalate. Therefore, his focus on creation was still on ice symbols, which were most effective against the insects.

However, he also prepared some fire symbols to prevent a repeat of the incident on the rooftop of the office building.

In addition to the ice collapse symbol, there were many other elemental symbols with stronger attack power. The ice collapse symbol excelled in its simple creation method, and Andrew had mastered it, achieving a high success rate and avoiding wasting a large amount of elemental energy due to failed creations.

However, now he wanted to try creating a very "unusual" third-level attack elemental symbol. Specifically, it could no longer be considered an attack elemental symbol; instead, it belonged to a unique elemental symbol with the function of freezing and trapping the target.

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