Chapter 187 Sacrificial Center

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Oh! If Edgar were struck by lightning, he knew that there would always be sunny days, but the end could come especially fast. These days were the most peaceful and safe time he had ever had, even though he didn't know what Mr. Andrew was so busy with every day. But he could still clearly feel the increasingly urgent pace of Andrew.

"Mr. Lung, can I, can I walk with you?" asked little Edgar nervously. Afraid that Andrew would reject him, he quickly added, "I won't hold you back, I'll just follow behind you."

"When you and I are together, it's certain death end," Andrew said calmly. He wasn't trying to scare Edgar; even he couldn't guarantee passing through the Mucus Zone unscathed, let alone an ordinary person with no means. "Stay here, I'll give you some bug meat, maybe you can survive for a while."

Andrew looked out of the dark window and thought to himself, a while could be a week, maybe just two or three days. Once this place becomes a zone of death, the bugs will quickly sense him and eliminate him.

"Mr. Lung, please, allow me to go with you. I know staying here means being eaten by bugs sooner or later," Edgar pleaded.

"Do you really want to come with me? You must know that entering the viscous zone is extremely dangerous. I won't protect you or take care of you. Even if you follow me, it's a dead end," Andrew shook his head. In fact, he didn't need to say so much to this black man. As soon as tomorrow's dawn breaks, he can set out on his own. Whether Edgar follows or not is up to Edgar; he won't waste his energy on an unfamiliar black man.

"Yes, Mr. Lung, I have made up my mind. I must give it a try no matter what! Please allow me to follow you. I can cook for you, stand guard for you, do anything you need. You don't have to worry about taking care of me; I can use the rifle to protect myself. Even if it ends in death, I will have no regrets," Edgar said eagerly.

"You know how to shoot?" Andrew asked with some surprise. Edgar, a black man and a researcher at the Research Department, surprised Andrew. In his impression, black people and scientists seemed quite different, but being able to use a gun made sense. In the films of the Sunshine Era in America, there were many scenes of black people robbing with guns.

"Respected Mr. Lung, in America, I am a law-abiding citizen. As a gun enthusiast, I have a legal gun permit and own my favorite firearms. I can also shoot this rifle proficiently, so you don't need to worry," Edgar replied confidently, raising the automatic rifle in his hand.

Andrew had forgotten that the situation in the country across the Pacific was different from his own. Even ordinary people could come into contact with firearms. If Edgar could shoot proficiently, he could be of some use.

There was also a dark energy rifleⅠin Andrew's possession that he hadn't used since obtaining it. The Research Department had supplied him with special bullets, but there were still some left. He had always used pure fire elemental bullets and rarely used them.

The firearms were sealed by Andrew's Fire Warrior Talisman, making them far more powerful than ordinary dark energy guns.

If Edgar were armed and shot from the crevices of the golden beetle shells, a sealed dark energy rifle could match the power of a dozen or so red-shelled beetles. Although not many, it was useful, and for Andrew, any extra strength from that dark energy rifle was beneficial.

"OK, Edgar, everyone must have their own value. Before 7 o'clock tomorrow, I hope you can familiarize yourself with this new rifle as soon as possible. You only have bullets, don't waste any!" Andrew took out the dark energy rifleⅠfrom his loose cloak and handed it to Edgar, saying solemnly.

"It's a dark energy rifleⅠ!?" Edgar exclaimed in surprise. As a researcher at the Research Department, he may not have known about the latest Type 2 dark energy rifle, but he was aware of its creation for some time.

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