Chapter 175 Practice cultivation techniques

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On nights without starlight and insect attacks, it was even more tranquil, as if even the wind had stopped.

Andrew rigidly rejected that "surprise." Sitting alone on the top floor of the office building, his emotions erupted like a volcano, leaving him with an inexplicable sense of emptiness and powerlessness.

Smoke curled around him, the flickering flame of the cigarette end resembling dancing spirits in the dark night. He realized he hadn't smoked in a long time.

A warm hand gently stroked his back, draping a cotton coat over him.

Andrew didn't need to turn around to feel that familiar sensation from his childhood. This hand had tucked him in countless times, fanned cool breeze for him and Jingyi, jingtian, chased away mosquitoes, and sent him off to sleep with gentle pats, even though Aunt hated the smell of smoke.

"Silly child, it's not your fault, Aunt scared you with the fireworks." Aunt Chu han gently covered Andrew's hands to calm his restless heart.

Andrew moved his mouth but ultimately made no sound.

In the cold darkness of the era, great power was just a means to survive, while the ruins of the soul were the true source of collapse.

So, without saying anything, the warmth of Aunt's hands covering his own gradually calmed his restless heart, bringing a rare sense of peace.

"Brother, Captain Zhu is here to see you." A soft voice broke the moment of tranquility.

Andrew grunted as he helped Aunt Chu han up and walked past Jing tian. Seeing her guilt-ridden and despondent expression, he felt a slight tremor in his heart, pinched her smooth chin unexpectedly, made a funny face, and dashed away while she was momentarily stunned, heading straight to the conference room on the seventh floor.

However, when he reached the conference room, facing the exquisite and imposing figure of Zhu Lingdie, Andrew had already put on a solemn and calm demeanor, showing no trace of the anger from before or the playfulness with Jingtian.

At this point, it was probably late enough. In the era of sunlight, this time was only the beginning of nightlife, but in the dark era, it was already deep into the night!

"The operation has been moved up again!" Zhu Lingdie got straight to the point as she entered, her character always straightforward.

"When?" Andrew was secretly surprised. Was the Hooded Man going crazy, bringing this up repeatedly?

"At midnight tonight, all Dark Warriors must gather in the Central District." Zhu Lingdie sighed suddenly, showing that she seemed to disagree with this decision.

"That woman behind you can stand up to the Hooded Man, why does everyone listen to him?" Andrew said mockingly.

"We've done our best." Zhu Lingdie showed a helpless expression.

"I understand. At midnight, we will go over as scheduled. I have to arrange some things at home, so you go first." Andrew didn't want to fall out with the woman in white for now, at least until the Purple Flame Magic Worm recovered its strength.

"Thank you." Zhu Lingdie said inexplicably and then hurriedly left.

As her graceful figure was about to pass by the conference room door, Andrew suddenly looked up and added, "I hope you will keep your promise when I enter the Reverse World."

Zhu Lingdie turned back suddenly, smiled movingly, and said, "Of course!"

Actually, with the four major dark warlords entering the Reverse-world with two different races, there are very few individuals who can threaten the Writing Tower. Andrew's only concern is the military power of Fang Yuehou.

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