Chapter 183 The firelight in the sky

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In the era of distant sunshine, Andrew had heard reports of it. The mice's bodies might glow from radiation, and their size might gradually increase, leading them to become a new species - "giant man-eating mice"!

However, at that time, it was just a small report, probably only seen in the lower left corner of an old edition of the newspaper's oddities section, with no official confirmation.

Whether giant man-eating mice truly exist sparked much controversy, but the only thing certain is that mice can continue to thrive in various harsh environments, even after radiation contamination.

The horde of mice that Andrew faced now was not the radiation-contaminated mice. Perhaps in the area where he had encountered the nuclear explosion before, there might have been such radiation mice, but it was clearly not the case in front of him. Near Jinling City, no atomic weapons had ever been used.

They only have one possibility, which is that like the young tiger, they have produced a partial "awakening" change in a large population of rats!

Andrew couldn't tell for sure, those rats with shimmering green light in their eyes and faint fluorescent light on their fur, although their size hasn't changed much, they should be the "awakened rats" among them.

Earth animals awaken much slower than humans. In the face of a food crisis in Jinling City, a large number of animals were slaughtered. The Research Department only encountered a few suspected cases of animal "awakening" other than Andrew's little tiger. Their abilities were very weak and not useful.

Gradually, fewer people cared about this matter. Relatively speaking, the transformation of new things and the threat of insects outside the city were the two bloody swords hanging over everyone's heads in Jinling City.

Therefore, besides being unable to move, Andrew was most surprised that this group of rats actually had such a large number of "awakened" green eyes rats!

How did they do it?

In the darkness, Andrew couldn't see clearly. He didn't know how many ordinary rats existed to create such a large number of green light rats. Or there were other reasons that caused their awakened numbers to exceed humans.

But all this was irrelevant. These rats were not only transporting him but also carrying other human bodies or even insect bodies. He was just a member in the vast "corpse" transport.

He had to figure out a way to regain his freedom and avoid the situation of entering the "rat's nest," which was the only thing he could do now. He could only tightly hold the Yuan Fu to replenish his energy as soon as possible.

Things in the world are unpredictable. He was just an ordinary person and couldn't come up with foolproof strategies. Trying to control the situation, he prepared ice symbols to deal with the Cloaked People that day, but ended up facing the White-Clothed Woman. Later, he prepared fire and ice symbols to deal with both, but ended up in a sudden situation, forcing him to risk his life to break through the insect swarm, ultimately succumbing to fire poison. And now, he had fallen into the hands of a group of rats.

The rapid changes were increasingly dangerous. The sudden unknown made it impossible for him to predict everything. It wasn't that he didn't try hard, almost all the available time Andrew had was spent on "preparation," but in the end, besides the Armor、Thousand Defeat Sword and the half-destroyed Purple Flame Devil Worm, everything was exhausted, yet he still couldn't escape the danger.

The saying "respond to a changing situation with an unchanging mind" was just something those victorious people said after achieving success to appear mysterious and profound; those who died on the way would never have a chance to refute. Throughout history, those who died on the way were the most.

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