Part 1-New Chapter

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The Policeman walks into the investigation room, he is putting on a scray look i guess it is all to scare me into telling the truth. We moved here so that i would have a fresh start but here i am in the same position again.

"Kitso Modiegi" He sits on top of the table and fixes his eyes on me, "I don't want nothing else but the truth from you"

"Yes sir" My dad still hasnt found me a lawyer so i am facing this alone

"Did you or did you not rape Tumisang Carlton" he makes sure to emphasize Tumie's last night. Her father is the minister of Finance, he wants nothing but justice for her daugher

"I didn't do it" If i could go back to that night, i would choose to stay home and play games with Jason instead. He said that the party wasnt worth it but the whole football team was going to be there so i had no choice but to go

"Did you not have sex with her?"

I clear my throat, "I did but ..."

"She told you to stop but you continued anyway"

I shake my head, "That is not what happe...."

He hits the table with his fist, "You raped Tumisang Carlton and now you think you can just deny it. Do you know what they do to boys who take advantage of helpless girls in prison"

"Sir i promise you i didnt do it"

He gets off the table and settles on the chair, "Why should i believe you, after all this is not your first time being accused."



"Kitso hurry up, you don't want to be late on your first day" Dad calls from the garage

"I am coming" I grab my bag and quickly head to the garage. We had to move here because of something that happened at my old school. Dad thought that i needed a fresh start and for once i agreed with him.

"You got everything?" He reverses out of the garage

"Yes sir"

he glances at me, "Sir"

I laugh, "Dad" It has always been me

"But dad you are a sir?" Jason laughs from the back. It has always been the three of us ever since mom died

"Don't try me Jason, are you excited to be going to the new school?" he asks the both of us even though he has asked us a million times

"New school, new girls"

Dad laughs, "Jason come on, girls"

He laughs, "New friends dad, plus Harmilton is a good school"

"That is true" he stares at me, "How about you?"

"I am excited" what i mean is that i am nervous, so much happened at my old school but the Police assured us that it will never get out. Not a lot of people knew about it only people from my school. I might not have been guilty but some still didn't believe me

"Don't worry okay" he assures me


"Dude can you switch on the radio please" Jason asks

"Sure" He connects through bluetooth and plays his music


"You going to be okay?" I am the last one to be dropped. We are at the same school but Jason is on the Junior side. He is in form 2 and I am in form 5

"Yeah i am"

He takes a deep breath, he is worried about me, "Stay away from girls Kitso"

"Dad you have nothing to worry about" I can't even look at him. When it all came out he was disappointed in me. He taught me everything about consent and he never thought he would hear anything like that about me

"Okay, you guys are using combies after school, make sure to wait for your brother"

I doubt that Jason would need me but i just nod

"Go on them" he just stays there and watches me as i make my way to my new class. 

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