Part 12-First Kiss

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"So what changed your mind?" We sit in one of the chill areas. We are not the only ones here but everyone is minding their own business

"I thought that maybe you needed a friend, someone outside your circle" I take a bite of my hotdog

"Yeah, you could say that. Aiden and i have been together for about two years now. The whole thing has been on and off" She got herself a salad which i though it was weird, their tuckshop is just too fancy

"Are you planning on getting back together?" i pick up my fanta pineapple and drink slowly while i wait for her to answer

"Honestly i don't want to, i feel like it is enough now. Aiden was all good but then he became my brother's best friend and he stopped thinking for himself."

I figured that, "I am sorry"

She shrughs, "Not your fault, can we not talk about my break up"


"Tell me about your old school, how was it like?"

My heart drops to my stomach, "Old school?"

"Yeah, i mean that's if you want to tell me about it"

How do i get out of this one, "It was a cool school but not as fancy as this one"

"I bet you were popular, i mean look at you"

I laugh, "Not all handsome guys are popular Tumisang"

"Lie to me"

"Nah i swear it is not a lie"

She narrows her eyes at me, "Come on"

I sigh, "Fine i was popular but then i wasn't"

The excitment on her face fades away, "What happened?"

Maybe if i talked to someone out of my circle, meaning dad and my brother i would feel better, "I was accused of rape"

Her eyes widen, "What?"

"Yeah, one of the girls at my school. So technically i lost my friends, my popularity as everyone just saw me as a rapist"

"But you didn't do it?"

"We agreed and next thing i had Police coming to my place telling me that i raped her"

"So that is why you don't have social media anymore?" She asks

"Yeah, i got so many insults from there and even when the truth came out no one bothered to apologize not even my friends"

She takes me by surprise and puts her hand on my cheek, "I am sorry that you had to go through that Kitso"

"Yeah, worst experience i never want to go through that again"

"Can i ask something?" She drops her hand

"Yeah go on" My eyes are focused on the table i don't know why i can't look at her anymore

"Why did she decide to lie"

Now i have to tell her the truth, i shift uncomfortably, "She wanted more from me but i turned her down because i had a girlfriend"

"Oh, so this was some form of revenge?"

"Yeah, i shouldn't have gotten with her because i had my girl. It was just stupid"

"You are here now, it is all in the past and you have been cleared" She takes my hand into hers and squeezes it, "It is all in the past"

i lean closer she meets me halfway and we kiss. Maybe i shouldn't be scared to get with girls anymore. 

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