Part 28-When it hurts

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I don't go straight home after leaving school. Instead i head to the mall just so i won't be alone with my thoughts. If i knew that Tumisang was going to be my downfall i would have stayed away from her. I just thought that she really liked me but looking back i know that it was all too good to be true. When did they even start with their plan, was it when the couch decided we were going to choose a new captain, it must have been and they knew there was a chance he would choose me.

I seriously cannot go down for something that i didn't do. I take out my phone, find Bogosi's number and text him.

Me: Hey can you please give me Tumo's number

I wait for his replay hoping that he doesn't believe that i have taken advantage of Tumisang. His message comes through

Bogosi: Dude i have been meaning to talk to you, are you okay

Me: Not really, i have been expelled and i am facing rape charges

Bogosi: I know that you didn't do it. I can't believe that Tumo and Aiden would do this to you

Me: I am not surprised about Tumo and Aiden but Tumisang

Bogosi: Yeah right, i thought she really liked you

Me: It was all staged, she didn't even break up with Aiden. They just made it look like that

Bogosi: After God fear women. Why do you want Tumo's number

Me: Need him to take the captain spot, i don't even need it. I would even leave the team

Bogosi: No, don't give up without a fight

Me: What choice do i have, my own dad doesn't even believe me.

Bogosi: I am sorry dude, look can we talk later class is starting

Me: Don't forget to give me Tumo's number

Bogosi: I will send it.


After talking to Bogosi i decide to call dad but his number goes straight to voicemail. I call twice getting the same outcome so i decide to leave a message hoping he will listen to it..

"Dad hey, it is me" I don't know why i say it is me like he doesn't know my voice, "I just wanted to check if you are okay" i take a deep breath, "Look dad i am sorry that i disappointed you, i guess maybe i wanted to leave a normal life and if i had known that ..." I take a deep breath, "Dad i promise you i didn't take advantage of Tumisang, i know what we have been through as a family and i never wanted to put us in that situation again. I am sorry but dad please you have to believe me"

Tears fall down my cheeks as i put the phone here. I get up to leave because i really can't be crying in public.


Later in the afternoon Linda comes to visit with some lunch. She sits on the chair across from me with her food on the other side and book in front of her.

"Thank you for the lunch"

She smiles, "I would think it would be hard to cook anything"

"Yeah, can i ask you something?"

She nods

"Have you talked to my dad, he didn't sleep here and ..."

"Hey your dad is fine like i said he just needs some time"

I nod but my heart breaks. During my first case they didn't leave me alone and now i feel so alone with Jason gone and my dad not wanting anything to do with me, "I feel like i disappointed them"

"Kitso you didn't do anything wrong, i am sorry that this is happening to you for the second time. No one deserves this"

"All i wanted was to play football, i didn't think that me being chosen as Captain would lead to this"

"Wait, i am going to need you to circle back. Who do you play football with?"

"Tumo, Tumisang's brother and Aiden her boyfriend or ex like she made us believe"

"Who was the captain of the team before you?"

"Tumo, so after i tried for the team Coach announced that we needed a new captain. Here is the thing Tumo is good but there are a lot of guys in the team who are better than him but maybe are scared to really show how good they are"

"Because they don't want to take his shine?" She asks

"Yeah, is there anyway you can talk to Tumisang alone, away from her brother. I don't really think that she is that vile i mean she encouraged me to join the football team"

She leans back on the chair, "Maybe she didn't know that you would be better than her brother"

"But what if her own brother blackmailed her to do this"

"Kitso i get that you must have real feeling for her but maybe that is what is clouding your judgement. She went all out to press charges and cry in front of everyone claiming that you took advantage of her even though she knows that you didn't"

I take a deep breath, "Yeah maybe"

"What else happened during the week?"

"It was obvious that Tumo and Aiden never wanted me to be a part of the team and some of their friends warned me to stay away. I just didn't want to be bullied not to play football. Do you know that in my old school i was the captain, i was so good but then the rape charges came and i was dropped and my whole life blew up. This was my chance to recover everything but i hit another boom" I cover my face with both my arms, "This was a second chance for our family and i disappointed them again"


"It is true" I let my hands down and let the tears fall, "Where is my dad now Linda, where is my brother i am all alone in this"

"I am sorry Kitso really" 

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