Part 23-The storm has come

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I manage to get back home at around 3 am. Tumisang didn't want me to go but i promised to make it up to her another time. I think i am going to have to take her out on a real date, sex was fun and all but i wanted to do things differently. I guess our date will have to make up for it.

Before i go to bed, i sent her a text and tell her that i got home safe. I wait for the reply but it doesn't come so i place my phone under my pillow and go to sleep.


Sunday mornings are always fun in our house, dad always gets up early to make us breakfast. It is something that we used to do with mom but ever since mom died dad took over. I wake up to the smell of fries and bacon in the air, i head over to the bathroom to freshen up before heading down.


Thirty minutes later i walk into the kitchen, Jason is up scrolling through his phone while dad is dishing for us

"Good morning" I say

"Someone looks happy" Dad says

Jason stares at me and then back on his phone

"I am waking up to the best breakfast cooked by dad so yes i am happy"

Dad laughs, "I guess i would be happy too if i woke up to some good breakfast which i didn't even make"

"Dad we always make breakfast for you" Jason utters

"I am nt taling about cereal Jason"

"But it is the thought that counts" he adds with a smile

"I am with you on that one"

Dad shakes his head, 'Just get your plates so we can go and eat"

he hands us our plates and we making our way to the dining area.Once we are settled dad says

"Look Kitso about yesterday i am sorry i shouldn't have reacted the way that i did. You are allowed to have friends whether boys or girls. It's just that ever since everythin..." The gate buzzer distracts him

"Who is joining us for breakfast?" Jason asks reaching out for the gate remote

"I am not expecting anyone" Dad glances at me, "What about you?"

"Same here" I tell him

We hear footsteps coming towards the living room door, dad gets up to go and see who is at our door. I start eating my food.

"It's the Police" Jason says and i raise my eyes up to the door. There are two police officers standing there. Last time something like this happened i ended up in a holding cell for being falsely accused what is going on now.

"We are looking for Kitso Modiegi" The female officer says

"Why?" Dad asks

"We need him to come to the office with us" The male officer says

"Why?" Dad asks again

"Rape charges" The female officer blunts out and my heart drops

"Look i don't know what you heard but that girl falsely accused my son"

"So you know that he raped Tumisang Carlton?" The male officer asks

"Tumisang, who is ..." He glances at me, "Kitso what is going on?"

I am silent because i can't believe that this is happening all over again. Why would Tumisang do this to me.


I have been in the interrogation room for what seems like forever. Dad couldn't even look me in the eyes even though i told him that it must be a mistake. Tumisang and i were cool when i left i don't even know why she would say that i raped her when she said that she was okay with us doing it. She is even the one that begged me for it. Was it all an act.

A different Policeman walks into the investigation room, he is putting on a scray look i guess it is all to scare me into telling the truth. We moved here so that i would have a fresh start but here i am in the same position again.

"Kitso Modiegi" He sits on top of the table and fixes his eyes on me, "I don't want nothing else but the truth from you"

"Yes sir" My dad still hasnt found me a lawyer so i am facing this alone

"Did you or did you not rape Tumisang Carlton" he makes sure to emphasize Tumie's last name. Her father is the minister of Finance, he will do anything to get justice for his daughter.

"I didn't do it" If i could go back to that night, i would choose to stay home and play games with Jason instead. He said that the party wasnt worth it but the whole football team was going to be there so i had no choice but to go

"Did you not have sex with her?"

I clear my throat, "I did but ..."

"She told you to stop but you continued anyway"

I shake my head, "That is not what happe...."

He hits the table with his fist making me jump, "You raped Tumisang Carlton and now you think you can just deny it. Do you know what they do to boys who take advantage of helpless girls in prison"

"Sir i promise you i didn't do it"

He gets off the table and settles on the chair, "Why should i believe you, after all this is not your first time being accused."

"She is the one that lead me to her room and said that she was okay with us having sex, i asked her"

"Then why would she say that you raped her?"

I shrug, "I don't know"

"Her brother says that you have been after her ever since you got to the school even though you knew that she had a boyfriend. You even invited yourself to the party.."

This is all wrong, "Tumisang is the one that invited me to the party, i swear"

"Do you have any proof?"

"Nah we were just talking"

He laugh, "Do you understand the kind of trouble that you are in Kitso, taking advantage of a girl. I am sure a guy like you could get any girl why did you choose to go after Tumisang?"

There is a knock on the door, "This is not over"

He walks out of the room and i remain in there wondering if i was just set up. 

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