Part 5-welcome to the team

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 I am heading over to the football field and a small part of me is nervous. The thing is that i haven't been playing in forever so i must be out of touch. It is obvious they only want the best and if i am not then i won't be able to play for the school.

There aren't a lot of people expect for the team. They are already taking rounds on the pitch, i guess i am late and this puts me at a disadvantage. I make my way over to the couch he is on a chair scrolling through his phone.

"Good afternoon coach" He pulls his eyes from his phone and stares at me

"Who are you?"

"Kitso, i am new"

He nods slowly, "You want to join my team?"

"Yes sir"

"But you are late, we don't condone that here"

I clear my throat, "Sorry sir, i promise it won't happen again"

"That is if you are good enough to join my team, go on and take your rounds"

I nod and head over to join the team. I know i am out of shape and this is going to be a tough one for me.


24 rounds later i finally join the team. Out of breath, pretending that i am okay which i am really not but i will never show them my weakness.

Coach calls everyone to circle up, Bogosi comes to stand next to me, "Don't be late next time"

"You could have told me the time"


"Everyone circle up please" Coach calls again as some boys are still fooling around. By some boys i mean Tumo and Aiden. They seem to be the leaders of this crew or whatever.

"Okay so as you can see we have a new guy that wants to try out for the team"

"I say he is wasting his time" Tumo utters and the other boys laugh

"How about we give him the benefit of the doubt, we are going to have two teams, Tumo you will lead the first team and since you are the captain you will choose your boys"

He is probably going to get all the best boys and leave me with the ones he thinks are not good, "Yes coach"

His first pick is Aiden and the other two guys. The last one is Bogosi.

"Great, Kitso you will have the rest of the guys that are left"

I don't bother complaining since it won't help me with anything, "Okay coach"

My team and i make our way into the pitch. I bet them to let me mark Tumo, i might be out of touch but i know that i am the best. My legs will catch up to me.


Fifteen minutes into the game we are one goal down. Our goal keeper made a silly mistake or maybe it wasnt a mistake because he wanted Tumo's team to win. It doesn't even matter i just have to do this on my own.

The ball finally gets to me and Tumo, i manage to dribble him making the ball pass between his legs and doing the one thing that my coach always taugh me, sometimes you don't have to take the ball into the next, i aim for the far left corner and kill the ball hard into goes straight into the net.

My team comes running to me to celebrate, "Dude that was epic"

"But Tumo is going to be mad about it" Another one says

"Well the aim is to get me into the team, i don't care if he is mad"

We continue to play and i have Tumo working hard to retrieve the ball from me, if he ever thought that he was the star, it all ends today.


By the time the game ends we are at my team is up by 4 and they are down by 2.

"Kitso if i ever had any doubt that you belong into this team i was wrong. Welcome to the team boy"

The other boys cheer but Tumo and his people don't seem too happy about it. Maybe is is worried i might come for the Captain.

"Tumo cheer up, we need someone like Kitso in the team" Bogosi says

"Yeah you are right" he fakes a smile

"Great, we are done for today i will see you guys tomorrow. Tumo walk with me" Coach leaves with Tumo while the other guys continue to celebrate with but still Tumo's people don't. 

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