Part 19-Captain Kitso

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Bogosi was right, i am the team's new captain. The other guys are happy for me but those closest to Aiden and Tumo are not happy at all. Tumo is obviously my right hand man and the other captains are Aiden and Bogosi.

I am making my way back to class after an awesome practice. I mean i am glad they did manage to put their hate aside and just enjoy a good match.

"Kitso" I glance back and Tumo and Aiden are walking behind me

"What?" I ask

"Wait up" There hurry up and catch up with me

"I know you might think that we don't want you to be captain, i mean you are good so if it takes having you as captain to win the championship then we are good' Tumo places his hand around my shoulder but i shrug it off

"Are you offering and olive branch"

"You can say that" Aiden utters

"Look guys i don't want any beef with you, we are playing for the same team so i guess we want the same thing"

"I mean yeah, but you are messing with my best friend's girl" Tumo had to remind me

"Look, Tumisang is the one who is after me. I was just minding my own business and girl couldn't stay away"

"So what Tumi is the one that made her first move?" Aiden asks

"Yeah, she is a pretty so i can't say no" Why do i feel like my old self right now. "Plus you guys broke up, she is free to get with whoever"

Aiden glances at Tumo and then back at me, "I guess you are right, i will step back but if she ever wants me back don't stand in my way"

"I am sure i will treat her right and she won't have to go back" Definitely feeling like my old self

"Aiden we should go, congratulations on winning captain" he walks away and Aiden follows him


I finally get to class, Kayla is talking to another girl in our class but as soon as she sees me she comes up to me.

"Hey i heard you are the new captain"

I smile at her, "Yeah i guess i am"

"Hug?" She asks

"Yeah that will be cool" I want tp punch myself what do i even mean by that will be cool.

She gives me a sweet and short hug, "Congratulations Kitso, you deserve this"

"Yeah i do"

"Would you like to grab something to eat in order to celebrate?"

I stare at her blankly like an idiot

"I mean as friend, you are obviously with Tumisang, look never mind i shouldn't have asked i am sure you have plans with her"

"Actually we don't have any plans, just that my dad offered to celebrate with us and he is coming to get me"

"Oh yeah, makes sense" She can't even look at me, "Err i have to go, i will see you tomorrow Captain" she smiles and walks away quickly

Does she like me?


Dad took us to Red Moon to celebrate. It was Jason's restaurant choice. He said he heard a lot of kids in his class talking about it and wanted to check it out. We enjoyed their food and the gave us free drinks to celebrate, non-alcoholic of course.

Now i am in my room getting ready for bed. Tumisang and i haven't seen each because she had to dash home quick but she did text congratulating me. I pick up my phone and call her, she answers right away.

"I was about to call" She says


"Yeah, i guess we were thinking of each other at the same time"

"Hmm, you owe me a congratulations Kiss"

"That i know, you will get it in the morning" She says

"Okay, i just wanted to say goodnight. I am sleeping early tonight"

"Oh before you go, i was thinking we can go out to celebrate you on Saturday morning."

"Saturday, i have Kayla coming here to help me with some school work"

She is silent


"You are choosing to hang out with her over me"

"No, it is not like that i just need to up my marks and she is good"

She sighs, "Fine you can call me when we are done so we can go and celebrate"

"Oh we can celebrate at your party"

"Whatever you want Kitso"


"Babe huh, i thought we were just friends" i can tell that me calling her babe made her happy

"Maybe i also want more"

"Then come and celebrate with me on Saturday morning"

"How about lunch, we can always do lunch"

"Okay cool, lunch it is. Goodnight babe"

"Goodnight babe"

She hangs up

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