Part 25-No one believes me

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Jason is gone. He didn't even bother to say goodbye not that i blame him. I put us back into the same situation we left in Francistown. If i had known that this would happen maybe i wouldn't have bothered to try and be normal but instead i would have just sheltered myself. We would be okay now, i just wanted to live not like i used to but some kind of normal, i just didn't know that i walked in a kraal with some lions.

"Kitso" Dad calls from the living room. I have been in my room since because i can't even face him. He sees me as nothing but a criminal, it hit me that this time around i am on my own.

"I am coming" I say get up and make my way to the living room.


He is giving water to a woman who i assume is my lawyer. My last lawyer was a man, i promised him that i will never put myself in a situation like that one again but i guess i failed him.

I greet her and sit down. She takes out her notebook and sets it on his lap, "Hello Kitso" She opens the book, "I am Linda Morris and i will be taking your case" She looks at dad, "Your dad is going to be here with us but if you are not okay with it he can always leave"

"It is fine" he is the one that is paying her after all

"Okay, let's start. I am going to need you to tell me everything that happened last night. Please don't leave anything out"

"Okay" I clear my throat, it is going to be awkward saying all this in front of my dad. The last time our lawyer had him leave the room, i guess maybe now dad wants to be here because he doesn't believe me.

"Don't leave anything out" Dad utters like i didn't her the lawyer

"So Tumisang invited me to a party early in the week, she said that it was going to be a little chill session, so yeah yesterday i went and we were all having fun until she invited me to her room"

"So it was her idea to take you to the room?" Linda asks


"You never at one point insisted that the two of you be alone in her room"

I Shake my head, "No, she said that she wanted to change from the skirt she was wearing, i told her that she looked good in it. Then we got to her room and she told me that she didn't call me in to change her skirt but for us to have some alone time. I was skeptical about the whole thing ..."

"Skeptical why?" She asks

"Because the last time i was with a girl i ended up being accused of rape"

"Okay,then what happened?"

"I asked her if she wanted to and she said yes, she went to the extend of unzipping my pants. I learnt my lesson with everything that happened last time so i was uneasy about the whole thing then she told me not to worry and that she had condoms. That is when we did it"

"Did she ever ask you to stop at one point"

"No, she said she was okay about the whole thing and she never said anything during the whole time. Then we were down and we hang out in her room until i left at around 2."

"So she was okay the whole time?"

"Yeah she was, i text her as soon as i got home but she didn't reply. Then in the morning that is when the Police came here accusing me of rape. I know what everyone is thinking i can't be accused of the same thing twice but i swear i didn't take advantage of her"

"Hard to believe" Dad gets up, "The way that girl was crying, i don't think that she is lying'

"So you think i am the one who is lying?" i ask him

"I don't know Kitso you tell us"

"Mr Mo..."

"No Linda, he failed to tell you that the girl is in a relationship with one of the guys in his football team"

"No that is a lie"

Dad shakes his head, "I thought that you would learn a lesson from everything that happened last time but no son you haven't learnt a sing..."

"Mr Modiegi please..."

"Kitso didn't even bother to tell me that he was invited to a party, he kept it a secret only to sneak out and leave his brother home alone"

"Would you have allowed me to go if i asked"

"No and that would have saved you from all this. Look at you now. There is no how you are going to survive this Kitso. Maybe you should start getting ready to go to jail. That girl's father is the Minister of health he is going to make sure that the boy that hurt her daughter goes to prison"

He storms out of the room

"I am sorry" Linda says, "Your dad is just going through a lot"

"At least he is not facing prison time, how am i even going to go to school now?" I glance at her and she has this look on her face like she is feeling sorry for me.

"What?"I ask

"You have been expelled from the school. They take sexual assult charges seriously"

"What, why i mean there is no proof that i did it"

"Remember that saying there is no smoke without fire, i am sorry Kitso" She closes her book, "You will be in court on Tuesday, i will come and prep you. If there is something you have forgot tell me tomorrow okay"

"Thank you for taking you case, i know it must be hard since you are a woman yourself"

She nods slowly, "Will talk tomorrow" She picks up her bag, "Don't worry about your dad, he will come around"

She makes her way to the door, "Linda" she stops and looks at me, "You believe me?"

"My job is to make sure that you don't even up in prison" She walks away. 

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