Part 16-Kayla could be the one or??

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It is 12:30 and i just finished studying. Tumisang still hasn't said anything to me, i guess maybe she is mad at me. She just needs to understand that we can't just jump into a relationship when she hasn't even healed from her relationship. The whole thing will be weird.

I have the urge to call her but i decide against it. I will clarify everything with her tomorrow. We can build a beautiful relationship from being friends first.

"Who am i?" The old me would be getting with Tumisang not caring that she hasn't even healed, worse i would have gotten with her while she was still with Aiden. I have truly changed. You would think that what i experienced will get me to hate on girls but i don't.

I place my books in the bag and head over to my bed. Before i lie down i pick up my phone to call Tumisang but then my phone rings. A number i don't know.

I clear my voice and answer, "Hello"

"Hey" It is Kayla, i recognize her voice

"I am not even going to ask how you got my number"

She laughs, "Okay, i wasn't planning on telling you"

"Did you miss me or something because it is really late"

She laughs again, "Late for who, you or me?"

"Let me guess you are a night owl"

"Yes, i didn't think that you would be up, so what is keeping you up. Oh wait let me guess you on your phone flirting with girls"

"I wish, i was just catching up on some school work. I failed badly last term so i am trying to up my game"

She is silent for a few probably realizing why i had a downfall.

"Hey it is cool, i will catch up"

"Do you need any help, i mean i am the number 1 student and i can help you"

"You want me to pay you"

She sighs, "Really, no"

I am silent for a few

"You still there, look if you don't want me to ..."

"Hey it is cool, i would for you to help me get back up. I might as well come for your number 1 spot"

She laughs, "Never"

"Will see about it"

"Hmm, i have to sleep i called to check if i got the right number"

I laugh, "Liar you missed me"

"Never, bye Kitso"

"Bye Kayla" She hangs up and i keep my phone on my ear thinking it is crazy how we are getting alone so well. Maybe instead of focusing on Tumisang i should see what comes out of my friendship with Kayla.


"Dude wake up" I open my eyes and find my brother by my bedside alredy dressed in his school uniform

"What time is it?" I jump out of bed

"Quater to 6, you are lucky dad is taking us to school. What happened to your alarm?"

Honestly speaking i didn't hear it, "I don't know, can you make my bed for me while i go and take a quick bath?"

"Yeah, hurry up"

"Sure" I quickly make my way to the bathroom.


Jason has taken the front seat and is already playing and booping to his favorite song. Dad doesn't seem mad, he is busy scrolling on his phone.

"Sorry i am late" I say mostly to dad

"It is cool, maybe don't sleep a little late during school nights"

"Had some school work to catch up on" he knows that i have to get my marks high, i was really disappointed with my results last term.

"I understand" he starts the car and we drive out of the yard. I take out my phone which i haven't checked since i woke up.

I have two messeges, one from Bogosi and the other one from Kayla. There is still nothing from Tumisang maybe she is done with me or she has gotten back with Aiden. I don't know why the whole thing is making me sad, i mean if she goes back to Aiden then it means i won't have to deal with Tumo and Aiden hating on me.

"Bogosi thinks that Coach will be picking the captain today"

Dad glances back at me with a smile, "I know that you got it"

"I am good but my team mates are also good"

"Nah, you know that you are just being humble about it" Jason says

"Fine, i might really get it" I smile and i feel a spark of happiness deep inside something i haven't felt in a while

"Tell me how it goes, i might come and pick you guys up and we can go and celebrate"

"Can i pick a place?" Jason asks

"It is all up to your brother" Dad says and Jason glances at me

"Fine you can pick a place"

He smiles, "Yessss, money doesn't matter right, i mean dad you are loaded"

Dad shakes his head, "You seem to forget that your school is making me pay a lot"

"Dad that doesn't even cause a dent on your finances" Jason utters and dad just laughs.

My phone rings, i glance at it and it is Tumisang calling. I clear my throat and answer


"Wow really?" What does she want me to say

"Hey is that better?"

She laughs, "Maybe, where are you?"

"5 minutes away from school, you?"

"Already in class, mom dropped us earlier. I can't wait to see you"

"Yeah me too?"

She sighs, "Okay fine later" She hangs up

"Who was that?" Dad asks

"My classmate" I am not about to tell him that it is a girl. I don't need a lecture. 

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