Part 31-THE END

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Dad is in the court waiting area. He gets up when he seems me and practically run to him and straight into his arms. He doesn't reject me but holds me tightly while whispering I AM SORRY.

We settle down on the chair, "I am sorry" he says again, "I wasn't mad at you but i was scared that they might find you guilty"

"I felt like i disappointed you and you didn't want anything to do with me"

"Kitso i could never, i just needed some time to digest everything. I should have believed you when you told me. I guess that girl fooled me with her tears"

"She fooled everyone dad and ...."

"Mr Modiegi"

Dad and i glance at the Minister standing in front of us.

"Yes" Dad says with a straight face

"I am sorry that we misjudged your son. Our daughter called us crying saying how she has been raped i am sure as a parent you understand why we went full force on your son"

Dad gets up, "No, you were quicky to make charges and have my son kicked out of school without getting the proof."

Ministers sighs, "I know and we were wrong for that. I am ready to compensate your son whatever he wants"

"My son has everything he wants, we don't need your money"

"Mr Modiegi please, Our children made a mistake and i am sure they will learn from it"

"In order to learn from it they have to deal with the whatever the Judge throws at them, be it prison time or community service. If you pay for what they done they will never learn"

"You are right. I will sit down with them, i am sorry that your son went through hell. I called the school and they will love to have him back. My children will move to another school, a Public school to teach them a lesson"

"Let us do better as parents, never be quick to judge another man's child"

"It will never happen again, lesson learnt"

They shake hands and Minister walks away.

"You guys are ready to go home?" Linda joins us, "But before you go we had a talk with the judge i know that you wanted to sue but as your lawyer i thought it would be better if i just come to an agreement with Tumisang's lawyer. You have lost a lot of time with the two cases you don't have to be coming back and fourth here so we decided they will do two years of community service at the place of your choosing"

"Linda why would you decide this without us ..."

"Dad it is okay" All i want is to focus in school and football and also being a normal teenage, "Railpark"

"You sure about this?" Dad asks

"Yes i am sure" I tell him

"Okay i will clarify with their lawyer and they will start tomorrow. Now lets go home"


The next day i arrive at school and find Aiden waiting by my locker. It turns out that he didn't really know what Tumo and Tumisang planned so i guess he is here to apologize on his friend's behalf.


"I am sorry man" He moves away from my locker and i get my keys and unlock the padlock

"It is hard to believe that you didn't know what they were planning, i mean Tumisang broke up with you"

"Tumisang and i always had and on and off thing. I just didn't know that this time around we broke up because his brother wanted this. Dude i came here begging her to get back together a couple of times."

"Okay i see, but i hope you have also learnt from this"

He nods, "Yes, do over?"

"For the sake of the team"

"You are coming back?" He asks

"As your captain yes"

He smiles, "You are really the best and i know our team will go far with you as a part of it"

"That is true"

"Okay i am gonna go, see you around" he walks away

Someone hugs me from behind and i know without a doubt that it is Kayla, "Hey you" I turn around and face her

"You are back and i am happy about it" She grins

"Yeah. The nightmare is over i can finally leave a normal life"

She leans by the locker next to mine, "So is your brother coming back now?"

"Yeah he is on his way back, we talk for two hours last night and he couldn't stop apologizing"

"Hope you forgave him"

"Trust me i did"

"Duuuude" Pako comes through with Bogosi and Shane.

"He is back" Bogosi utters

"You guys missed me"

They laugh, "I am sorry i should have tried hard to warn you about Tumo"

"It is okay Shane"

"Yeah still i feel bad"

"I am gonna go back to class" Kayla makes her way back to class

"You know i always knew that you being with Tumisang was wrong but i could see something there with you and Kayla"

"We are just friend Pako"

"Go on lie to us"

We all laugh because yes they know the truth. It is Kayla who i should have gone for but i guess it is not too late to get to know her. I am just glad that my nightmare is over and i get to live a normal teenage life.  

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