Part 8-You should drop football

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We have finally settled down, the other guys are deep in their conversation but i can't help but feel like Aiden and Tumo are doing this to spite us. They didn't want me at their table but now they have brought the whole team to ours.

"You really got lucky yesterday, i wasn't at my best"

Bogosi let's out a chuckle, "Not at your best, really dude"

Tumo frowns, "You think that he is better than me?"

"I am sure the whole team saw that he was better than you yesterday" is Bogosi being brave and speaking up now

Aiden laughs, "Nah your boy got lucky, we all know that our captain is the best"

The team cheers and everyone stares at our table. I will not interfere with their banter. I just want to play football for the fun of it

"Coach wants up to choose a new captain" Pako utters

"What, he would have told me" Tumo says and i can tell there is fear in his eyes

"Well, i guess he didnt want you panicking" Pako stares at me and back at Tumo, "I am sure you have nothing to worry about though"

"Yeah i mean i am the best" Lies, he is worried

"You should try out for the captain sit?" Bogosi whispers but i shake my head. If i don't try out i know that no one in the team will.

"Will see"

"You seriously want to challenge me?" Tumo asks

"Are you scared i might win"

He laughs, "You can never win, no matter what you do i will always come up top"

"Like i said we will see"

He stares at Aiden and they laugh somehow the other guys join them. Do they do everything that Tumo asks them to do. Are they scared of him.

I get up, "Done eating, i guess will see how the week goes" I head out on the way i catch Tumisang looking at me. Our gaze is broken by one of her friend showing her something.

Does she want me or what?


Our English teacher didn't come to the lessons so everyone is doing their own thing. The girl that i am sitting next to is writing some notes, it is crazy how i still don't know her name mostly because she doesn't like talking during lessons or when she is busy. When the bell rings she never has time to chat, she just gets her books and leave.

"Kayla" Shane calls and she glances back, now i know her name

"What?" She sounds annoyed

"Can we switch seats?"

She just grabs her notebook and get up, Shane is forced to move quick.

"She is annoying" Shane takes Kayla's sit

"Why though she was just minding her own business, what's up?"

"You should drop football"

This has to be a joke, "Dude what?"

"Look i know i pushed you to do it but for your own sake just try another sport or maybe just don't try for the captain position"

I let out a little chuckle, "Why because you want your friend to keep the position?"

"No dude, look you don't want to be on Tumo's bad side"

"I am scared of Tumo, i am going to try for this position because i am good too." This is my final word

"Okay i mean if you want to go up against him i won't stand in your way but remember i warned you. He can go through extreme lengths to get what he wants" He gets up and leaves the class. 

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