Part 18-Something is fishy

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"You missed breaktime at the cafeteria" Bogosi and i are making way over to the cafeteria for lunch

"Yeah i didn't feel like going, do we still have the team sitting with us?" I don't even know why i am asking i saw the team phone on IG

"Hmm, they will not be leaving anytime soon. It is funny how you just came and got all of us to sit together. We suggested this last year and the seniors said no, we even tried it after but Aiden and Tumo turned us down"

I can't help but smile, "I guess you could say i am the best thing to ever happen to the team"

He laughs, "Yeah whatever"

"Hey boys" Tumisang gets in between us and holds my hand, heads turn to look at us

"Whoa, what is going on?" Bogosi asks

"We are friends" She answers him

"I mean Kitso and i are also friends but you don't see us holding hands"

She giggles, "You boys always act weird when it comes to hand holding"

"Yeah, so you officially down with Aiden, i am happy for my boy Kitso and all but this is one fast move"

I agree with Bogosi but i am not about to say anything, "Like i said we just friends" she looks at me, "Right Kitso"

"Yeah, friends" Who are getting to know each other

"Okay if you say so"

We arrive at the cafeteria and she lets go of my hand kisses me on the cheek and makes way to her table.

"You are going to get in trouble with Aiden and Tumo" Bogosi says

"I am not scared of them, but you are right this is one fast move"

"So be careful, she might just be using you to make Aiden jealous" I haven't thought of it like that

"Will see with time"

Our table is already full but at least they left us some chairs on the same spot.

"Coach is choosing Captain and his co -captains today" Aiden says. I guess he is not going to talk about the fact that his girl just kissed me in front of everyone.

"Yeah maybe people can finally move to their tables" Bogosi utters

"Nah we are not going anywhere, so Kitso we have this IG page and we were thinking of uploading your picture as the new member of the group and tagging you but we didn't find you anywhere" Tumo says with this look on his face

"Yeah well, i am not on IG"

"Why?" Aiden asks, "I mean if you are to start anything with Tumisang you should have social media, she likes to take pictures and she would love to tag you"

There is something fishy here, "Yeah well i guess if i start something with your girl will have to do things differently"

He laughs, "Don't you think it is weird that you are the only one who doesn't have social media accounts"

"I don't think it is weird" Pako says, "I need to try it, social media is addictive"

Tumo shoots him a look, "Really Pako"

"Yeah, really"

"I agree with Pako" Bogosi also comes through for me

"Yeah whatever, whoever wins captain we are going to celebrate at my house on Saturday. My sister thought it would be a good idea to have a chill session" Tumo says

"We will be there" Bogosi looks at me, "You coming right?"

"You don't have to worry about him, my sister has already invited him" Tumo utters

Why do i hang out with these guys again.

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