Part 13-Warning from a Friend

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We don't say much after the kiss but our smiles say a lot. After we are done eating we make our way to class with our hands bumping on each other but neither of us not making any move to hold hands. When we get to class we find Tumo waiting by Tumisang's locker.

She turns to me and says, "You should go in"

"Not really, i have to get books for my next class"

"Oh yeah, okay see you in class then" She smiles and then makes her way over to her brother

"Hey"Kayla gets my attention

"Kayla, what's up?" I open my locker to get my books up

"You forgot this on your table" She hands me a pen

"Oh, yeah i guess my mind was elsewhere, thank you"

She leans by the locker next to mine, "You know if i was you i wouldn't get with Tumisang, you are inviting trouble into your life"

"Why does everyone say that"

"Close your locker and lets take a walk" Is she really instructing me

"Kayla i have to get my books out"

She looks at her apple watch, "We have 20 minutes, that's enough time"

I guess i have no choice, "Fine" I close my locker but before we take our walk i glance over at Tumisang and Tumo they seem to be in some heated argument

"Let's go" She practically pulls me away

"Fine" We walk into another direction. The other students are still chilling with their friends some are playing stupid games. It reminds me of back when i was still me, how i used to feel all high and mighty only to fall so hard.

When we are finally out of sight from everyone she says, "I know what happened to you at your old school"

My whole body comes to a stand still, "How?"

She sighs, "In my defence i just wanted to know the kind of guy you were since we were sitting together so i went on a search on social media that is when i bumped into someone's post"

"You know that i didn't do it right" If she didn't know the whole story she wouldn't be here with me

"Yeah i know and i am sorry that happened to you, i understand why you not on social media anymore"

"Yeah" I should feel a sense of relief but the whole thing is shooting my anxiety to a higher number, "Yeah"

"Kitso you were a victim you get that right, so you don't have to be all guarded"

She is right, "You are right"

"Hmm anyway back to what i said earlier, Tumo and Aiden act like the Kings of this school. They always get away with whatever. Just be careful because they might use this against you"

"Yeah i guess i have seen how they work, i honestly wanted to keep a low profile and just finish my high school but i missed playing football so i guess that is going to cause me problems because i am actually good"

She grins, "Way better than Tumo that's a first"

I laugh softly, "Most guys are better than him but i think they are just scared of him or something"

"Okay i was just giving you a warning, i might have figured that you didn't do it but i don't think Tumo and Aiden will care about the truth"

"Thank you Kayla"

She smiles, "You are welcome now leave before anyone sees us and thinks that we are dating"

"Wouldn't you like that" I smirk

"You are not really my type" I am offended


"Too good looking, i want to be the Queen in the relationship now if we got together people will be staring at you all the time"

Does she see how gorgeous she is, "You are cute"

"Go away Kitso"

I laugh and walk back to class. 

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