Part 29-I lied

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Court day has finally come. My dad finally came home late last night. We are on the way to court and he still hasn't said a word to me even though i did greet and i made him breakfast. I know now without a doubt he probably wishes i wasn't his son. He is only doing this because maybe Linda asked him to

We get to the court house and find Linda waiting for us. My stomach is in knots, the Minister wants the case to be quick so her daughter can move on with her life. They might even throw me in Prison today.

"You okay?" Linda asks

"Not really"

"Don't worry" He glances at my dad, "Thank you for bringing him this morning

"It's not ..." he stops himself, "Yeah, i am going to get something in the car i will find you inside" He walks away before Linda can respond

"He doesn't even want to be seen with me" I know that i messed up but to see your own father not believe you. They might as well throw me in prison

"That is not it, come let's go"

I follow her into the court house. I wonder if Tumisang and her family are already here or if her father has decided she doesn't come so she wouldnt have to face the person she said raped her.


Tumisang is sitting with her lawyer, her family is behind her also including Aiden and his parents. There really aren't a lot of people here, i guess the minister didn't want a lot of people in the room. On my side there isn't really anyone and it feels like the whole world is against me. The second the Judge sees this he or she is going to think i deserve to go to Prison.

"Don't let this scare you" Linda says.

I glance back again hoping to see dad but it doesn't even seem like he will be coming back.

"Please text dad"

Linda reaches for her phone but then we are told to rise for the Judge. She puts it back down, i glance back one last time. The door is shut so i guess i will be going through this alone.


"Good morning everyone. We are here not on good circumstances. Rape is a very serious crime and to see teenagers do it breaks my heart because what has this world come to"

Judge obviously thinks that i did it too. Or maybe he is just assuming since She hasn't heard the real story.

"I will give the two lawyers a chance to present their cases and i hope we all learn something from this." She calls onto Tumisang's lawyer, who is a man who clearly wants to nail me on the wall.

"Just like your Honour said we are here on not so good circumstances, my client was raped by a boy she thought was her friend. She invited him to a party, she let her walk her into her room but he ..." he looks at me, "They went into her room together and had sex but just in the middle she decided that she didn't want to do it anymore he decided to keep on going even though she begged him to stop"

What lies have they fed him.

"My client is traumatized, she will never be the same again and it is a shame for Miss Linda to even repres..."

"Objection i am free to represent anyone"

He raises his hand, "Yeah you are free to represent everyone even those who have done wrong"

"Objection ..."

he ignores Linda, "Your honour we would like for you to put this boy in Prison"

"On what ground?" Linda asks

"He went to the school even though he was told not to and harassed my client"

Linda looks at me, "Did you?"

"Sorry i ..."

"Gosh Kitso"

"I think i would like to hear the other side before deciding on what to do" At least the judge has our back, He calls Linda

"You know i find the story that you told to be weird, your client said that she asked my client to stop during the act but my client didn't hear any. My client came into the city to start a brand new chapter. He had been accused of rape before, he lost everything, his family lost everything this was their fresh start and he told your client in cofidence about everything that happened so the way i see it your client has taken advantage of that ..."

"Objection speculation"

"No, she is lying to everyone just so her brother can become the captain of the team"

"Objection those are lies"

"Lies, the only person who is a liar in this room is your client. She used my client's past against him, she was okay when he left. They stayed together after they had sex up until my client left...if he had really taken advantage of him i am sure she would have not stayed with him"

Tumisang's lawyer gets up, "No my client was scared"

"No, that is not what i heard, she was all smiles she wanted to even do it again"

"No i ...."

"I lied" We all glance at Tumisang

"Honey what are you doing?" her mother asks

"I lied, i am sorry Kitso" She begins to cry, "I lied"

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