Part 2-New friends and Enemies??

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My head is lowered as i navigate through a pool of students to find Class S. It is funny how you can go from being one of the popular boys to being dethroned fast. After it all happened i thought that my friends will at least have my back but instead they turned their backs from me. When the truth came out they didnt even bother to try and apologize. I shut down social media, there was no use for it since all i got was nothing but insults.

"Hey watch where you going?" I glance up and there is a tall slender pretty girl in front of me. It is crazy how she is almost as tall as me.


She waves me off, "It is cool, you must be new because i know almost all the form fives" I thought she was mad that i bumped into her but she is all smiles

"Yeah, i am heading to class S"

She nods, "You know your way right?"


"Have a good first day" She walks away without even telling me her name. I want to call her back but then i remember i promised my dad that i will stay away from girl so i head over to class.


There isnt a lot of people in class, i make my way over to a table somewhere in the middle of class. The back of the class has it's own people i don't want to step on anyone's toes.

"You are new" Some guy comes up to me, he is colored and has dreadlocks


"Shane" he holds his hand out to me like we are some formal business people


"So which sports are you playing? i need to poach someone for our team" He sits down on the chair next to my table


He groans, "As tall as you are, dude you deserve to play b-ball, but i respect your choice. I play football on the weekend"

Have i made a friend, "I play basketball on the weekend"

"You should come eat with us, the captain of the football team is my friend, i will introduce you"

"That will be great" This is my second chance, i need to move on from everything that happened in Ghetto. The Capital city is my new beginin

"Sure boy" he gets up, "I am heading out to see my girl, later" He walks out


Registration time has began. Shane is sitting at the back next to a guy who doesnt seem to like that i am here. He plays football too and when Shane introduced me he didn't seem interested. The old me would have been the same too but now i really don't even know where i fit anymore.

"Welcome to 5S Kitso, i am not going to ask you to come up here and introduce yourself like you are in Primary. Anyone that needs to know Kitso you would have to ask him" I met our class teacher when we came to register to the school. He is a cool dude, i like that he didnt even ask a lot of questions about my old school

"Thank you Mr Peo" He nods and continues with marking everyone who is around.

The girl that i met earlier on walks in, "Tumisang you are late" Mr Peo says

She giggles, "Sorry i had a girly situation"

Chances are she is lying but i guess Mr Peo won't ask anything, "Okay sit down"

She walks straight to my table and stands in front of it, "You are on my seat?"


She laughs again, "I am kidding, you are allowed to sit wherever you want, we are not kids" the other students laughs as she makes her way to the back.

i glance back, she is talking to Shane but the dude that doesn't like me has this frown on his face. Dude what is your problem. I turn to face the front. 

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