Part 30-I trusted you

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We are in the Judge's chamber, he was obviously surprised by what Tumisang said. He called the court room to order and asked us to meet him here.

"Your honor i feel like my client said what she said out of fear"

"Fear" Linda utters, "She spoke the truth and you call it fear"

"Like i said your client ..."

"Silence" The Judge snaps, "Tumisang i am going to need you to tell me the truth and i don't want any one of you to interrupt her"

Tumisang swallows then starts, "In the beginning i really wanted to be Kitso's friend, well i had a crush on him and i probably wanted to be with him. I even suggested that he join the football team since he said that he was good at it but after his first day he impressed the coach and i am sure he wanted to make him captain and that angered my brother. When we got home he asked me to get closer to him just so i could find out some secret he could use to get Kitso to back down and let him have the captain spot. I really didn't want to do it but my brother knows something that i did and was threatening to tell our parents. Kitso told me about being accused of rape so when i told my brother he said that we could use it against him, i was scared to do it but then he promised that Kitso would go to jail for it since no one would believe that he could get wrongfully accused twice. I invited Kitso to our chill session and then when he won Captain and he came by on Saturday i couldn't back down because my brother was furious, he made me got me to call our parents and tell them everything that happened, Our parents took me to the Police. Kitso i am really sorry"

There is silence in the room until the Judge speaks, "Do you understand that what you have done is a crime?"

"What ..."

"How old are you?" The Judge asks


"Legal for prison, what you have done is a crime. What you did to this boy is hurtful, vile. He has been through a lot after being accused of the same crime. He had no one sitting behind him because you made him a monster which i am sure his family didn't even believe."

"I am sorry"

"Sorry, do you think sorry will cover for all the emotions you made him go through, the damage that you have done to this boy is ..." He shakes his head, "What does your brother have against you"

"I can't say"

"So you would rather go to prison?"

She takes a deep breath, "I was in a relationship with one of dad's security people. Kitso found out about it and made me break up with the guy. I didn't think that he will ever use it against me"

"So you risked Kitso going to jail instead?"

"I am sorry"

Judge turns to me, "Kitso on behalf of everyone i would like to apologise to you. You are just a victim and i am glad that Tumisang came forward before you were put in Prison, i wouldn't know what to say if she came forward after that. This court is going to order the school to scrap your expansion and if you choose to press charges to both Tumisang and her brother i would be behind you 100%"

"Your Honor can i speak to my client's parents maybe they will be willing to compesate the boy" Tumisang's lawyer says

"This is all up to Kitso, what would you like to happen"

"The first time i was accused of rape my family was behind me, they supported me. I thought i was the only one that lost a lot, friends, myself but they also lost the same way. When we came here i was hoping for a fresh start. All i wanted was to play football and make friends and be normal again even though it was hard because i always seems to walk on eggshells hoping that i won't bump into a girl who would wrongfully accuse me. I didn't think that Tumisang would be that girl, my dad couldn't look at me, my brother had to move far away so he would avoid going through everything he went through the first time. I trusted Tumisang, i liked her but she was the devil that stabbed me in the back. So i would love to press charges"

"Kitso please, i told the truth"

"It won't take away the fact that my dad didn't believe me, the fact that i slept alone at home. The days i lost in school when all i ever wanted was to up my marks. The eyes that everyone gave me. I trusted you Tumisang" My voice cracks

"Kitso i am sorry, i am really sorry please. I will do anything"

"No" I glance at the judge, "Can i go home now"

"Yes you are free"

I get up and head out. Linda stays behind to finish up. 

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