Part 6-Tumisang what do you want

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"Hey, i heard you made the team" Tumisang leans on the locker next to mine. She is wearing the netball kit and it looks so perfect on her. I can't compliment her because i am not her boyfriend plus i have a feeling her boyfriend also hates me.

"Yeah i did" I pull out the books i will need for the night

"That is great, look my brother is probably going to give you trouble but with time you guys will get along"

I glance at her, "You don't have to worry about me"

"Okay err can i ..." Aiden comes and she goes quiet

"Babe you done"

"Yea..." he stops her with a kiss, i guess it is to tell me to back off. I close my locker and head out.

Jason said he will wait for me at the gate so i make my way there.


My brother is talking to two girls. He is a likable person so i guess he has already made a lot of friend. He doesnt even have any secret to hide so he is free to make friends.


He glances my way, "You are here" he turns to the girls, "I have to go see you tomorrow"

"Don't forget to call" One of them says

He smiles at her, "I won't"

The girls walk away, "So already pullings huns"

"You know i didnt have to, they just came to me" He grins and i can tell he is proud of himself.

"Good for you"

"Can we grab pizza on our way home" It is his turn to cook that is why he will suggest the easy way out

"Okay cool" We make our way to the combi.


By the time we get home it is around past 6, dad won't be here until around 9 sometimes 10 depending on how busy he is.

"I am happy that you joined the football team, it is time that you get out there and show them who you are" He sits down and begins to open the box of pizza

"Dude take off your school uniform first"

He sighs, "Dude i am dying here"

"I am sure quickly taking off your uniform won't kill you"

"Fine" he closes the box and we make our way to our separate bedrooms.


once i am in my room, i place my bag by the study table and begin to take off my school uniform. School wasn't bad today, i made the team and i think i made a few friends, Shane, Bogosi and Tumisang. I remind myself to stay away from Tumisang though, i mean i can be friendly when we are around other people but not if it is just the two of us. I don't want trouble with her brother and boyfriend.

My phone rings, i walk over to my table and pull it from the bag. It is a number i don't know, back then i always ignored numbers i didn't know but something tells me to answer this one.


"Hey it is Tumie" Talk of the devil


She laughs, "Yeah, from 5S that is if you need clarity"

"No i remember who you are"

"Err i was trying to find you on the socials but i couldn't so i asked Shane for your number"

She went through so much trouble to find me, "Why though?" Come on dude is that all that you can say

"We are classmates ..." She giggles, "Err do you not want me to have your number?"

"It's not that, look i am still new and i don't want trouble with anyone mostly your boyfriend"

"Kitso it is not like we are trying to hook up behind his back, we are just classmates"

I take a deep breath, "I get it but right now i don't want trouble"

"Fine i will stay out of your sight" She hangs up 

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