Part 26-She also hates me

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My life is over. This was my second chance but i blew it. The whole thing with Tumisang happened so fast i should have known that something was up. My dad doesn't believe me and my brother doesn't even want anything to do with me.

Dad has even left me all alone in the house because maybe he doesn't want to deal with me. I should have been honest with him and maybe just maybe all this could have been avoided. I am about to start off on dinner but before i do i pick up my phone and call my dad. He doesn't answer the first time but then lucky for me he answer on the second try.

"What?" His voice is harsh and i want to hang up but i also need to know if he will be coming home

"I am about to make dinner so i wanted to know if ..."

"I am eating out" he cuts me off

"Okay, dad i ..." he hangs up, i slowly put my phone away from my ear. His rejection hits hard. He doesn't want to hear my voice or even deal with me.

I put my phone down, make my way over to the fridge to see what i can cook but as soon as i open the door my appetite disappears. I close it and make my way over to my room.

The first thing that i wanted to do when i left the Police station was to call Tumisang and ask her why she was doing this to me but i was adviced against it. I lay down on my bed and close my eyes, trying to remember if maybe by chance i missed Tumisang saying no but there is nothing. She was so into it and before i left she was begging me for more but i had to leave so we couldnt do it again.

My phone rings, i open my eyes and pick it up to see who is calling. It is a number i don't know. I stare at my phone until it stops ringing because the last time this happened i had calls like this with people insulting me.

A message comes through and i am surprised to see coach's name.

He calls again and i answer, "Coach"

"Is it true?" He asks

"No, it is not"

he takes a deep breath, "You are in a tight spot, i knew that something like this might happen but i was hoping that i was wrong"

"What do you mean?"

"Look i have been Tumo's coach and i know how he operates. He was mad that i chose you as captain, i had his father call me about it but i want what is best for the team and i will not let the parents control me so he went after you"

"What am i going to do coach"

He sighs, "You should have stayed away from Tumisang"

"I thought that she really liked me"

"No, she is her brother's twin. Do you have a lawyer?'

"Yes but my dad doesn't believe me, coach this is not my first time facing this"

"Did you ever tell Tumisang or anyone about it?'

"I told Tumisang"

"Yeah that is why they used it against you. I hope that you don't get nailed for this but if ever things escalate do reach out to me i won't mind being your witness. There are so many things that Tumo has done and if you ever win i am going to kick him out of the team"

"Thank you for having my back coach"

"You are the best at what you do and it was also unfair of the school to expell you without getting proof"

"I guess maybe it is because Tumisang is the Minister's son"

"Yeah maybe. i have to run. Do check in if you need someone to talk to"

"Thank you"

He hangs up. He is the first person to reach out to me and it gives me hope that maybe i might get out of this.

As i put my phone down and close my eyes, my mind drifts to Kayla. I wonder if she has also heard about this and what her take is. Does she think that i did it, does she hate me for it. I open my eyes and pick up my phone and start texting her.

Me: Hey

Hey is the only thing that i can say so i wouldn't feel bad if she doesn't respond.

Kayla: Hey

One word, maybe she knows and she doesn't know what to say to me

Me: How is your Sunday evening?

Kayla: Finishing up some school work

Damn she doesn't want to talk to me

Me: At least you got school work to do, i have been expelled.

I stare at my phone waiting for a replay but it never comes.

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