Part 9-same team as the enemy

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We are all gathered at the field after taking our rounds and doing some workouts. Coach is going through his tablet. I have been given the new practice kit. The school is loaded so it can afford to buy us all these kits.

Coach clears his throat to get our attention, "Okay boys i am done"

"Is it true that we have to choose a new captain?" One of the guys ask

"Yes, yes" His eyes are back on his tablet, "Also i realized that some of you have been holding back and i want that to end today"

"Coach i believe everyone has been playing to their best ability" Trust Tumo to cover himself

"No Tumo that has not been the case, we all need to remember that this is a team. We are not here to make others shine while we dim the other team mates' lights. If our wish is to be champions this year we have to give our all"

"Yes coach" We all agree expect for Tumo and his crew

"Great, i will be watching each and everyone one of you and by Friday will decide who the captain is"

"Yall know that i am going to win this" Tumo tries to act confident

"Will see about it" Bogosi says

Most of the players are looking forward to trying out for Captain since the coach has caught up to them slacking in order to let Tumo shine. I think that now we will have a better team.

"Today we are going to play mixing yesterday's teams. Tumo, Bogosi, Aiden, Pako,Leroy and Kitso you will be in the same team"

Bogosi and Leroy fist bump me happy that we are part of the same team but i can tell that Tumo and Aiden are not happy about it. Pako is neutral about the whole thing but i know deep down he is happy i am a part of their team


We have been 5 minutes in the field and no matter how open i am, Tumo and Aiden don't pass the ball to me. We are just lucky that the other team still hasn't scored but at this rate i think i will have to fight my own team mates to get the ball.

More minutes go by and the other team scores since they are communicating well.

"That is your fault" Tumo yells at me

"How, you guys haven't been passing the ball my way"

He stares at Aiden and they laugh, "You want us to baby sit you"

"Nah your play is messed up" Leroy intervenes, "Kitso is a part of our team and you guys think you can pass to me and Bogosi even when we are compromised"

"Leroy is right, we can't win this if we don't play like a unit, also remember if you still want to be captain you will lose it if you play like this" Bogosi reminds Tumo

"Fine whatever"

We are back at the field and for the first time Aiden passes the ball to me, i try to score but i fail to reach target

"What was the point?" Tumo yells

"You act like you always score all the time" I fire back

"I mean i do" he walks up to me looking like someone who is ready to fight

"If i remember well, you failed to do that yesterday."

He replies by pushing me back hard i fall down on the ground

"What the hell dude" I pull myself up quick to a standing position

"Stay away from my ..."

"Tumo" Coach calls, "You are off"

He glances at coach, "But ..."

"We will not have fights on this field, you are out for today. Mogomotsi come and take his space"

"Whatever" He walks out of the pitch


Today's practice was hectic but we manage to win 2-1. I love that the other team brought their A game. Maybe they also want to try their best on being captain. Tumo congratulated everyone in the team but me, i guess he believes that i am the reason why he was kicked out even though he did this to himself.

"Hey" Tumisang catches up with me, "She has changed from her netball kit into some sweats and a tshirt. Her hair is let down and she looks pretty. Still i can't compliment her.

"What's up"

She giggles a bit, "Great i guess"

"Netball practice went well?" I glance at her for a second, she already has her eyes on me, "Don't look at me like that"

She breaks the stare, "What do you mean?"

"The way that you were looking at me just now, you will get me in trouble"

She laughs softly,"Maybe i can't help it because you too cute"

"Cute?" We stare at each other

"Handsome" She looks away

"You have a boyfriend" We get to class and i head to my desk to grab some books i left underneath. They were right no one has time to steal books here

"I was just complimenting you Kitso"

"Hmm,i should go my brother is waiting for me"

"Wait before you go, we have this chill session over the weekend, you should come"

I stare at her thinking this is trouble, "I will think about it"

She grins, "Okay, go you don't want to keep your brother waiting"

"You staying?"

"I am waiting for Aiden

I nod softly as i make my way out of class. 

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