Part 15-Thank you for the reminder

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"So how did it go?" jason asks the second i walk in

"Great" i take off my shoes and settle down on the couch

"Nothing else to tell but great?" He asks

"What do you want me to say, we were just having ice cream. She just got out of a relationship. I am not expecting the world from her"

He narrows his eyes at me, "But she likes you?"

"She doesn't want me getting with other girls"

He claps, "That right there brother is a girl who has a thing for you"

"Did you do your home work?" I change the subject

"I see what you did there, we only had one today this is why i am hanging out here"

"Okay" I get up, "I have to go and do mine. I got three of them"

"Enjoy it"'

I nod and head over to my room.


I enjoyed myself with Tumisang but the thing is i am still torn about the whole situation. Aiden is my team mate and they just recently broke up so i really don't know if i will be doing the right thing by getting with Tumisang.

My phone buzzes, i settle down on the bed and take it out from my bag. It is a message from Tumisang telling me that he has arrived home safe.

Me: I am glad friend.

She replies right away

Tumie: Friend huh?

Me: Someone just got out of a relationship

Tumie: Thank you for the reminder,

Me: You know that i don't want to step on anyone's toes

She doesn't reply so i place my phone on the bed and take off my school uniform. I have about three assignments that i have to tackle before i go to sleep also i have to do some reading. I promised myself that i will be picking up my marks this term, exams are coming so i cannot be seen slacking.

Once i am settled on my table my bedroom door opens and dad walks in. It looks like he just arrived.

"You are back early today?" I say

"Yeah, we didn't have a lot to do. How are you?"

"Great, i am great"

He closes the door and leans by it, "Did you talk to the ...."

"No, no she wasn't available today" I got distracted that is why i didn't even go

"Look Kitso if you don't want to tall to the school counselor we can always find you a good Shrink. We thought the school counselor would be better since she is at school"

"I know dad, i will go and see her around breaktime tomorrow"

"Okay, how is school?"

"Third day went great i can't complain."

He nods, "I am glad you are enjoying it, football?"

"It was great also, i might be on the run to be captain"

He smiles, "You see everything you worked hard for is coming back but remember you have to get your marks high, this is your final year Kitso"

"I understand dad"

"Okay" he looks around my room for a few then back at me, "Go back to doing your school work, i am taking you guys to school tomorrow so no need to wake up early okay"


"Goodnight" he leaves the room

GUILTYDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora