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On the rooftop of the opera house, the kiss exchanged with Arnold just moments ago felt like it lasted only a second.

Arnold's lips, which had been pressed against Rishe's, slowly parted from hers.

Rishe, not wanting the kiss to end, involuntarily let out a heated sigh.

"Your Highness..." whispering, she called out to him.

Instead of replying with words, Arnold intertwined their fingers, as if reaffirming their connection. His touch, as if promising not to let go, made Rishe's heart swell with a hint of tears.

(Rishe just now realized her feelings for His Highness Arnold.)

(Surely... I've been in love with him for so long, almost unconsciously...)

Caught off guard by Arnold's touch, their lips met once more.


The kiss made a soft sound as it quickly ended. Yet, another peck, like a bird's, followed soon after. Surprised by the repeated kisses, Rishe widened her eyes.

"Eep!" She almost squealed, but Arnold covered her lips gently to soothe her.

These kisses, short-lived as they were, left Rishe flustered. But Arnold, covering Rishe as if to shield her from the world, kept changing angles and repeating the kisses.

With each peck, a cute sound echoed: "Chu, chu..." 

However, for Rishe, who had received so many kisses, it was all overwhelming. Already aware of her feelings of love, her heart pounded uncontrollably.

Fearing that her heartbeat could be heard, she wanted to push away, but Arnold wouldn't allow it.


Arnold must have known that Rishe was confused. Yet he showed no sign of stopping the kisses, causing her breath to become ragged from her unsuccessful attempts to control it. Being kept in a position where she had to look up for so long likely strained her throat.

"Um, uh..." Rishe lightly tapped Arnold's chest in frustration. But he didn't flinch, only continuing the kisses. Despite just realizing her love, this affection felt too intense for Rishe to handle.

(At this rate, I'll die from being too nervous...!)

Thinking so, Rishe attempted to take action. She gripped Arnold's clothes tightly, trying to open her eyes when their lips parted for a brief moment.

Yet, she immediately regretted it. Their gazes met at close range, Arnold's blue eyes gleaming sharply. His eyes were so beautiful that Rishe almost cried again. Nevertheless, with tearful eyes, she managed to communicate her plea through her gaze.

Finally, Arnold loosened his grip, releasing Rishe from his embrace. As he withdrew, he left a kiss on her forehead.

"S-So, Your Highness..."

Gazing up at Arnold in bewilderment, Rishe wondered why he kissed her so much. The result left her breathless. Arnold's gaze this time was gentle, as if watching over her.

"Have you remembered now?" he asked.


Using his thumb, Arnold lightly pressed against Rishe's lips. "I promised I'd kiss you as much as you wanted later."

Remembering, Rishe's eyes widened.

Indeed, Arnold had replied so when Rishe expressed her desire for more kisses to learn about the customs of marriage. All the kisses showered on her just now must have been to fulfill her wish.

"Ah...!" Realizing what she had wished for, Rishe's cheeks flushed even more. "I... I remember now!"

"Heh..." Arnold chuckled as Rishe vigorously nodded, then he gently stroked her hair. "That's good." His tone was gentle, but it made her heart ache.

With his hand still on Rishe's cheek, Arnold spoke softly. "Whether it's your birthday or not... I won't forget to fulfill your wishes as much as I can."

Given to her were words of genuine celebration.

(I've always... disliked my birthday. But...)

Now, she felt so happy.

"Thank you, Your Highness Arnold..." she replied.

Arnold released his hand from Rishe's and returned to sit on the rooftop chair. He then said, "I'll arrange for the carriage back. Wait here."

Watching Arnold's back as he descended, Rishe's strength drained away.

(Arnold and I exchanged so many kisses...)

Everywhere his touch had reached felt warm, as if aflame with heat.

Wanting to remember being called by name and kissed, Rishe's chest felt heavy when she recalled what had just happened.

(What should I do...)

Pressing her hands against her now crimson cheeks, Rishe felt utterly lost.

(...Even though I haven't really learned how to kiss at all...)

7th Time Loop WN Vol. 6 Fan TranslationWhere stories live. Discover now