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"Thus, from now on, I don't need Lawvine by my side." Arnold stated.

"Your Highness Arnold..." Held from behind by Arnold, with his large hand covering her eyes, Rishe stood frozen.


She couldn't understand why she was being touched like this and let out a small noise from her throat.

(Did he want to prevent me from looking at the goddess statue?)

This "blindfold" felt like a restriction on her freedom. However, except for matters concerning Rishe's safety, Arnold had never forced anything upon her. Apart from dangerous situations, there had never been anything forbidden.

Arnold's hand slid away, and he took a step back. Rishe also turned towards the footsteps coming from the direction they came. The sound of footsteps was intentionally loud; someone was purposely making noise while walking.

"Hey there! And the newcomer, Lucius."


Dressed in the attire of a royal knight, Raul was tinkering with some keys as he approached. 

Rishe, playing the role of the new knight, hurried over. "Good work, senior!"

"Thanks. Is the patrol with His Highness going smoothly?" Raul replied.

"Yes!" Rishe exclaimed, "Right now, we're waiting for the captain to fetch the keys for warehouse inspection!"

While pretending to be senior and junior, they shared information about the situation. Raul chuckled and handed Rishe a golden key.

"Wouldn't it be quicker for His Highness to fire the captain rather than waiting for his return? Blame it on losing the key or something."

"No need for such trouble. Evidence of wrongdoing sufficient for punishment has long been gathered." Arnold said.

Listening to their conversation, Rishe raised the key. The captain, who was presumably frantically searching for this key, was probably unaware of his fate.

Raul continued. "And, there are two messages to pass on. First, concerning Lady Rishe's bridal attire as His Highness's fiancee, the fitting scheduled for today has been postponed."

"What?!" Though she almost exclaimed, Rishe restrained herself as "Lucius." She knew there were no other presences around, but it was better to be cautious.

Arnold glanced at Rishe and asked Raul in her stead, "Why?"

"Apparently, the artisans witnessed His Highness Arnold and Lady Rishe strolling through the town yesterday. Seeing Lady Rishe's beauty, they felt the embroidery was inadequate and are adding more details."

(The artisans have more work now...!!)

Most likely, seeing the actual person who would wear the dress prompted some adjustments. While appreciating their dedication, Rishe also felt apologetic. "Is that... okay? What about the artisans?"

"It was the artisans' proposal. It depends on whether Lady Rishe agrees to the change of plans." Raul explained.

"Of course! ...I'm fine with it..." If it meant getting a wonderful dress, Rishe was happy. She was looking forward to wearing it, especially with the embroidery matching the ring Arnold had given her.

(It's a bit disappointing not to wear it today, but... it means I can enjoy the anticipation longer.)

"Then, onto His Highness Arnold." Raul continued, "Oliver requests your presence, so if you could wrap up this inspection for now..."

Probably intentional, Raul's words were half-joking. But apart from that, his behavior was closer to a subject of Arnold's. "The rest of the patrol here will be handled by me and Lucius. Yoel will accompany you..."

"...Understood." Arnold issued the order nonchalantly. "Then, loosen the surveillance."

"Got it. I'll go fetch him now." Raul said.

Watching Raul walk away, Rishe pondered.

"...Does His Highness Arnold still want Raul by his side, despite being different from Lord Lawvine?" Rishe asked.

"Not particularly. I'll use whoever is useful."

(Quite different from Lord Lawvine's time...)

Just a matter of being practical. Or was there some other reason?

"In that case..." Rishe turned to Arnold and asked another question. "Am I... useful to you?"


She had asked him why he proposed to her several times before.

But Rishe would never ask Arnold that again. She was afraid of the answer she might receive.

"...To me..." Arnold lowered his gaze gently and said, "There are many things I couldn't have achieved without you."

An unexpected answer made Rishe gasp.

Arnold's eyes, the color of the sea, were more beautiful than the real thing. Sunlight filtered through his decorated long eyelashes, casting shadows on his sea-like eyes.

"And there will undoubtedly be many more things in the future."

"Your Highness..." Rishe uttered.

Arnold continued, "...that I can assert that without hesitation."

Arnold, who disliked uncertainty, uttered such words.

Just that was a priceless answer. Rishe felt overwhelmed with emotion.

"Thank you very much!"

Filled with joy, she didn't know what expression to make. But she was genuinely happy. Rishe managed to convey that much.

Although she felt she hadn't said it well, it seemed her emotions got through. Hearing his calm acknowledgment, she suddenly felt embarrassed.

"A... Your Highness, are you going back to Oliver now!? Um, I'll go help Raul, then!"

Rishe quickly said so and rushed towards Raul, who was likely having trouble convincing Yoel to accompany him.


Arnold, who remained in place, quietly watched Rishe's back with a serene gaze. Naturally, he had no way of knowing this.

7th Time Loop WN Vol. 6 Fan TranslationWhere stories live. Discover now