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"Hey. We're moving on."


Switching gears immediately, Rishe hurriedly followed Yoel. It was surprising that Yoel, after calling out to Rishe, headed upwards, but it made sense considering the circumstances.

While defeating enemies coming to capture them, they aimed for the deck to seize control of the helm. Climbing up using the unstable rope ladder, Rishe noticed there were windows on this floor.

"We're almost at the deck... But..."

The outside of the round window was obscured by a white haze. When Rishe finally reached the deck, she furrowed her brow.

"...There's fog...!"


Yoel stood with his back to Rishe, scanning the surroundings.

The fog around the deck wasn't too thick since the perimeter was visible. However, beyond the sea, it was unclear what lay ahead.

"In this fog, the reinforcements might not be able to find us."

Preparing herself for that possibility, Rishe gripped the hilt of her cutlass.

Many sailors who had already sensed the disturbance in the cargo hold stood before Rishe and Yoel.

"We were wary of pursuers, but we didn't expect them to sneak into the ship."

Rishe called out to Yoel, disregarding her own situation.

"Yoel please don't worry about me."

"...Okay," Yoel glanced back at her and replied softly. "...Got it."

With that, Yoel dashed forward, and the enemies attacked in unison.

"There are so many!" Rishe quickly switched to her dagger and threw it sheathed at the chin of a sailor aiming for Yoel. Although the man collapsed after being struck in a vital point, they still had one fewer opponent.

"We need bows and arrows. Plus, until this rocking stops..."

The ship had been unusually swaying since earlier.

Upon closer inspection, Rishe noticed that the men at the stern who had taken the helm were deliberately rocking the ship with the wheel.

"We need to aim for the helm. But to do that..."

As she tried to calculate their route, Rishe felt a chill run down her spine.

"Huh?" In the fog-obscured sea, a shadow resembling a small island emerged.

It was a single ship.


Rising from the fog, it was draped in tattered sails.

The figurehead carved into the bow was weathered, and its right eye gouged out, giving a faint smile. As Rishe felt the gaze of the figurehead meet hers, she was speechless.

—It was like a ghost ship.

But that was not the case, as evidenced by the people bustling on the deck.

They deliberately covered new sails and lumber with worn-out items, trying to lower the vigilance of rough-looking men. It was an unmistakable pirate ship disguised as an abandoned vessel.

Furrowing her brow, Rishe immediately shouted.

"Yoel, it's enemy reinforcements!!"

Heavy ropes with anchors were thrown from the other ship, entangling the railing of the deck and pulling it, causing the ship to sway heavily again.



There was a fallen sailor where Yoel had stepped. As an enemy's sword swung down at the unbalanced Yoel—


In her mind flashed the image of Arnold, who had shielded her.

Then, memories of her life as a knight. Yoel, who had shielded her, smiled upon seeing that Rishe was safe. Rishe leaped in front of Yoel and severed the sailor's arm with her cutlass.


Holding his injured arm, the sailor staggered back. But Rishe knew this wasn't enough.

"This woman...!" Another man reached out for Rishe, trying to grab her hair.

Just as she braced for the pain, a sword flashed before her eyes.



Yoel, who had pushed Rishe aside, struck down the sailor.

As cries rang out, the man collapsed on the deck. But amidst the swaying ship, Yoel hadn't fully regained his balance from before.

Soon after, the ship lurched again, causing Yoel to tumble.


This time, the jolt was caused by the impact of many crew members jumping from the newly arrived ship.

"This situation..."

Rishe and Yoel were separated. Surrounded by enemies, Yoel was targeted first due to his perceived injury.

"Yoel, are you hurt!?"


(He must have hit his head...! He must have taken the fall, but not right away...)

Rishe, gripping her cutlass tightly overhead, dodged the attacks of the men coming at her. She tripped them up, used the swaying to her advantage, and delivered a blow to the back of their necks with the sheathed cutlass.

"I need to break through and reach Yoel..."

Though Yoel couldn't stand, he fought back with the cutlass in his hand. Rolling across the deck, utilizing his reflexes, he fought against the many opponents.

Diving into the fray, Rishe incapacitated three men in front of her with her two cutlasses.

Using the ship's movement to her advantage, she moved on, forcefully knocking the heads of the next two together.

"These guys...! For landlubbers, they're pretty agile in this rocking ship...!"

"Yoel, give me your hand...!"

"Don't... bother. You should... hurry up and... escape..."

"I don't mind! Just for now, please don't try to fight alone...!!"

"I don't need it."

As Yoel was about to be stabbed from above, he swung his cutlass without even looking, narrowly avoiding the attack. But with this fighting style, there was surely a limit.


"Go. Otherwise, look..." With hazy eyes, Yoel looked towards the sea. "The next enemy... is coming."


From the fog emerged another ship.

"I'll fight. I'll fight... alone."

"No, Yoel!"

Rishe looked up at the newly arrived ship.

The sailors were also surprised and looked towards it. A ship one size larger than theirs, bearing the flag atop its mast, but it wasn't the tattered flag of a ghost ship.


Rishe spotted it—the flag of Galkhein, depicting an eagle. As soon as she noticed it, someone jumped from the deck. Descending before her, slashing down the sailors near Rishe in an instant, was a figure with azure eyes.


Even in the dim fog, his eyes were as clear as the sea. With that beloved voice to Rishe, he asked as he always did.

"—Are you injured?"

"Arnold, Your Highness...!!"

7th Time Loop WN Vol. 6 Fan TranslationWhere stories live. Discover now