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"Historically speaking, Galkhein has only dealt with countries within the same continent. After all, they've been waging wars to expand their territory across that vast continent."

Dressed in knight's attire, Rishe sat next to Yoel in a corner of the tavern as they both listened to the captain's tale.

"Hmm, what is it, Lucius-kun?" The captain, somewhat intoxicated, pointed at Rishe, who had raised her hand respectfully.

Rishe ordered another mug of ale while asking her superior amidst the lively atmosphere of the tavern. "So, Captain, does that mean Galkhein lacks the expertise to engage in warfare across the sea?"

"That's right. They lack ships for naval warfare. They have no knowledge or skill in shipbuilding, nor do they have sailors to navigate them." the captain replied.

"But, wouldn't Galkhein have splendid ships for trade and travel, if nothing else?" she asked.

"Light and fast ships are preferable for merchant vessels, while combat ships require strength and durability. Right, Yoel?"

Yoel, who had been nibbling on cheese since earlier, suddenly roused from his drowsiness to respond. "Huh? Why are you asking me? You started this tedious topic while drunk; he should put in the effort to explain it..."

"Yoel, as a senior, shouldn't you at least answer the junior's question?" the captain laughed.

"...Senior..." Muttering softly, Yoel turned to Rishe and said, scratching his head, "...Lu. In naval battles, we board enemy ships and fight with swords. Before knights engage in combat, ships clash side by side. So, combat ships need both offensive power for ramming and strength to withstand being rammed..."

It must be a tremendous impact. After all, it's an action that involves piercing holes in the ship.

"But if you build ships that combine attack and defense, won't they become too heavy?" Rishe asked, "Without speed, voyages would take longer, depleting war funds before battles even begin, or accidents might cause total loss..." 

"It seems so. Our country's ships are remarkable for being strong, sturdy, and fast. His Majesty was praising them while inebriated... Am I correct, Captain?"

"Exactly. Sharga is an island nation that would be incapacitated without the means to fight beyond the sea."

Listening to the captain's words while sipping her ale, Rishe nodded thoughtfully. "The need to build ships for warfare led to remarkable shipbuilding technology. These are critical state secrets, and those with the knowledge are prohibited from leaving the country."

"State secrets!"

In her knightly life, Rishe's eyes widened upon hearing this. Indeed, it would be information that Sharga couldn't afford to let leak to other nations.


(How nostalgic, reminiscing about my life as a knight. I never thought I'd look back on those days from the perspective of being His Highness Arnold's fiancée.)

As she wandered around the ship's items, Rishe contemplated.

Both naval battles and invading other countries via ships pose greater risks than land battles. That's why Galkhein tends to avoid naval battles as much as possible. For instance, the neighboring country across the sea, Koyor, is a nation with valuable resources like gold mines. Despite the value of their territory, the current Emperor hasn't actively attacked Coyolles.

Previously, Lord Luvaine and Fritz also talked about it. During the war a few years ago, when enemy ships attacked the northern territory of Ciutena...

Arnold, who led the defense, deliberately let the enemy land on shore before wiping them out, rather than engaging in naval combat.

At least until two years ago, Galkhein clearly avoided naval battles. Galkhein lacked the shipbuilding technology and sailors needed to expand their conquests worldwide."

But he's changing that. ――To cross the seas and conquer distant lands...

As Rishe looked up at her side, Arnold promptly returned her gaze. His blue eyes were her favorite color in the world.

Shipbuilding technology is a state secret, and technically, shipbuilders aren't allowed to leave the country. Likely, in a past life, shipbuilders abducted by pirates would have encountered His Highness Arnold.

It takes about three to four years to build a ship in Sharga. In Galkhein, where facilities are not as advanced, it would take more than four years.

In short, for Arnold to use those ships in the war five years from now, he must have acquired shipbuilding technology around this time.

(Since we need to save the victims as soon as possible, our current top priority is to start the rescue mission, even if it means delaying the shipbuilding project.)

7th Time Loop WN Vol. 6 Fan TranslationWhere stories live. Discover now