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"Actually, I'm getting married." Rishe shared.

"Well, well. Congratulations." The gentle demeanor of the manager was impeccable, typical of a top-notch merchant. His respectful and sincere approach made one feel valued and warmly attended to.


To Rishe, who had once been a merchant herself, the manager's intentions were clear.

(――He's sizing me up.)

Her former superior in the merchant life, Tully, used to say, "A top-notch merchant can choose their customers."

Right now, Rishe felt like she was being scrutinized by this manager. She didn't show any signs of sensing this, instead putting on a shy smile. "Thank you very much. My brother seems willing to indulge my every whim for the celebration."

"I see. We are honored to have been chosen for your wedding shopping." the manager statred.

"Indeed. My brother..." Rishe smiled coyly and glanced up at Arnold, her 'escort.' "Just the other day, he gifted me with so many jewels and dresses that they couldn't even fit in the room. Right?"

Arnold, who was accompanying Rishe, responded with a cool expression. "Your brother treasures you dearly, as does your future husband."

"After losing both father and mother, we're the only family we have left. But it's a bit embarrassing. Both my brother and my future husband spoil me like a child..." Rishe continued.

The manager observed Rishe and Arnold's conversation with a smile. However, inwardly, he was likely probing how valuable of a customer Rishe was, and what benefits she might bring to them.

Rishe and Arnold were aware of this, so they sprinkled their conversation with false information.

"Sometimes I wonder if both of you have made gift-giving a hobby of mine."

She was to play the role of a wealthy heiress. They behaved as if she was a naïve, innocent girl who could buy anything with a flick of her well-manicured fingers.

(And then...)

While feeling the manager's gaze, Rishe pondered. Beside her, Arnold spoke softly. "As for the items mentioned by your fiancé, why not choose them here on this ship? I believe the intention was for you to pick out jewelry to wear when you pay your wedding visits."

"Even though I received overwhelming gifts just on my birthday the other day. I'm worried it might seem selfish, and my future husband might dislike it..."

Then Arnold said, quite naturally, "It's only natural for a husband to fulfill his wife's wishes."

Though her heart skipped a beat, Rishe didn't show it on her face. After a barely noticeable deep breath, she continued in her usual tone. "From now on, we'll have to visit various jewelry stores together. Of course, if all the items are available on this ship, that would be the best..."

When Rishe looked up at the manager, he smiled and said, "Please leave it to us, Miss Elise."

The manager's tone had become slightly stronger than before. This was likely not unconscious but rather an intentional conversational technique. A confident tone instilled trust in the listener.

"In fact, as I mentioned earlier, tonight has become a day of sudden cancellations. In order to reduce transportation costs, we haven't brought all our proud products on board."

"Well..." Rishe pretended to be surprised, hiding her mouth behind the fan she held. "Then, are there many other wonderful items?"

"Of course, Miss Elise. Considering the items for you, I believe your brother and fiancé would expect top-notch goods. Therefore..." While maintaining a friendly smile, the manager politely inquired of Rishe. "Would it be possible for your brother or fiancé to come with you on another day?"

"――..." For a moment, Rishe deliberately showed agitation.

Then, stating that neither of them could accompany her, the manager made the following proposal: "Then we will prepare a special event just for Miss Elise."

Rishe's eyes sparkled, showing her delight at the words. "I'm thrilled. I'm really looking forward to it."

With a smile on her lips, Rishe continued, "With this, after trying on tomorrow's wedding dress, I'll be able to choose the perfect jewelry. Thank you, manager."

"You're very welcome. Then tonight, while admiring the products, you can listen to the music starting from now and enjoy some drinks..."

Thus, Rishe spent some time on the ship, secretly excited as she gazed at the exhibited products and listened to the small orchestra's performance.

And after an hour or so, after leaving the ship with Arnold...


In the carriage they boarded, Rishe breathed a sigh of relief.

While playing the role of 'Elise,' it felt like she had been holding her breath the whole time. Looking up at Arnold beside her as the carriage began to move, she said, "Thank you, Prince Arnold. Thanks to you, I think I was able to pull it off."

"...Your wish came true. The manager undoubtedly assessed you."

(Despite not having any experience as a merchant, Arnold was able to see through that...)

She thought this to herself, but didn't say it aloud as she nodded. "It was just as you anticipated. That manager was undoubtedly appraising us."

(With a literal 'appraising' eye...)

"They weren't evaluating me as a customer, but as a commodity. It seems I was being judged to see if I would be suitable for abduction."

"..." Arnold frowned slightly, seemingly displeased. 

Sensing this, Rishe hurriedly explained to him. "But this is all part of the plan!"


"With a wealthy family and a fiancé who loves me, the search after a kidnapping would be intense. For them, the ideal would be a woman from a wealthy, well-groomed family who is estranged from her relatives."

So, Rishe played the role of such a girl. "If they saw the ring I was wearing, there would be no doubt about my wealth. The 'lie' is about being loved by my brother and fiancé."

"I suppose so. That's why I promised to prepare a ship just for you."

The manager had one last attempt. He asked the aristocratic girl he was dealing with. 'Would it be possible for your brother or fiancé to come with you on another day?'

Rishe deliberately showed a momentary agitation.

Then, saying that neither of them could accompany her, the manager made the following proposal: "Then we will prepare a special event just for Miss Elise."

(To propose such a thing to a customer...)

Feeling uneasy as a merchant, Rishe spoke up. "Perhaps he intends to capture 'me.'"

Looking up at Arnold, Rishe protested, "Your acting as my servant is just too good, isn't it!?"

"...What are you talking about?" Arnold looked down at Rishe, wondering what she meant.

7th Time Loop WN Vol. 6 Fan TranslationWhere stories live. Discover now