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Yoel stepped forward swiftly, aiming to strike Rishe.

(This sword...)

It was not a speed suitable for a mere sparring match. Rishe realized she would be hit head-on by Yoel's swift sword if she didn't act fast. Facing the descending blade above her, Rishe quickly thought to herself.

(In swordsmanship, I can't block it completely!)

"Hey, enough of this..."

In a split second, Raoul pulled out a knife to throw, which caught Rishe's peripheral vision. But Rishe had a sudden insight. Without hesitation, she swung her leg up, keeping her own sword as a shield.

(If orthodox swordsmanship won't work...)

Yoel's eyes widened in surprise. With a bang, Yoel's sword flew out of his hand.


Rishe's target had been the handle of the sword Yoel was gripping.

This kick aimed at the joints of the fingers delivered a shock, adding force from below to the sword. The sword, propelled high into the air, plunged into the distant cobblestones.


"Thank you for the match, Yoel." Rishe breathed a sigh of relief and bowed to Yoel. Perhaps due to the intense concentration in that short moment, her breathing was more irregular than she had expected.

Meanwhile, Raul wore a somewhat incredulous expression in the distance. And Yoel, standing before Rishe, seemed to be quite taken aback.

"A girl playing the role of the Crown Prince's fiancee using footwork..."

(It feels strange to be called 'girl' by Yoel like this.)

Of course, Rishe was currently disguised as a man. Breathless, Rishe apologized to Yoel.

"I apologize for using tactics other than swordsmanship. I have someone who cares deeply about me being injured, so I couldn't choose a defensive measure..."

Rishe hadn't expected Yoel to attack so decisively in their sparring. Perhaps in the past, Rishe had been spared because she was the 'junior.'

Yoel looked at the fallen sword, his expression complex.

"Even knights who are somewhat experienced in combat don't usually mix martial arts with swordsmanship. And moreover, to reflexively resort to something like that..."

(What Yoel says is true. Traditional 'knightly' swordsmanship is based on chivalric virtues.)

But Rishe had learned different swordsmanship in Galkhein.

"Focusing on surviving rather than sticking to the beautiful forms of swordsmanship... That's the strongest tactic, taught to me by someone who worries about my injuries."

Recalling the first time she sparred with Arnold, and the training she undertook two months ago while disguised as a Lucius, Rishe remembered. Since then, Rishe had been training alone with the sword whenever she could find the opportunity. Sometimes Arnold provided guidance, and there were a few occasions when they sparred together.

"You're more suited to a fighting style that bewilders your opponent than orthodox swordsmanship." Yoel continued.

"Bewildering?!" Rishe exclaimed.

"With your quick reflexes, excellent core strength, and high agility, and with your knowledge of all the human body's vital points, there aren't many people who can handle both archery and swordsmanship equally well. And add to that, your unconventional thinking."

"The last one sounds oddly suggestive..." Rishe sighed.

Perhaps she was being teased. But considering what she had learned since coming to this country, Rishe had consciously trained in the 'Galkhein style of knightly combat' that didn't confine itself to beautiful swordsmanship.

(To think that what I learned from Arnold has become a part of me... It's so gratifying...)

Looking down at her own hands, Rishe couldn't help but smile. Yoel glanced at Rishe and muttered softly.

"...Arnold Hein, huh."

"Yoel? What's gotten into you..."

Rishe's attempt to peek at Yoel's face was interrupted as Raul grabbed him from behind and pulled him back.

"Alright, that's enough around here. Stop slacking off, Lucius and Yoel"


"If you mess up any further, His Highness Arnold might get mad at me. We've accomplished what we came here for, right? After we deceive the captain who's coming back soon, let's move on quickly."

Acknowledging Raul's reasonable words, Rishe nodded. She wanted to make good use of the time that had been freed up due to the postponement of the dress fitting.

(Yoel's aura of killing intent also seems to have calmed down...)

Leaning against the brick warehouse, Yoel, still looking sleepy, asked, "...What's next? I really think I'm only useful with a sword. But we still have to stick together, right?"

"Don't say that about yourself." Raul muttered.

"Call me when it's my turn. Like, when you need someone to charge into the enemy's ranks and slash them all up or something like that... nngh."

While smiling wryly at Yoel's usual behavior, Rishe braced herself.

7th Time Loop WN Vol. 6 Fan TranslationWhere stories live. Discover now