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"My wedding dress was tailored in my homeland, Hermity, on my coming of age ceremony a year ago. When preparing for the wedding ceremony in this country, I requested to have Garkhain-style embroidery added." Rishe explained.

"...That design with the large open back, right?" Arnold asked.

(Open back? ...Indeed, that's correct. Even though I only showed him the design once, he remembers the details.)

Feeling ticklish, Rishe quickly averted her gaze when she made eye contact with Arnold.

"Yes! Originally, artisans were scheduled to come to the capital to make the final adjustments to see how it looks on me when I wear it."

Oliver, who was organizing documents behind Arnold, smiled warmly. "I've heard that wedding dresses hold special significance for women. I'm sure you must be looking forward to it, Rishe."

"Yes, but... Unfortunately, there have been delays due to the difficulty in sourcing the thread I requested. Considering the travel time for the artisans, I thought it would be more efficient for me to go and visit them to coordinate with the finishing schedule." Rishe stated firmly.

This delay wasn't unexpected for Rishe. In fact, she had calculated that a delay in preparing the wedding dress would serve as a pretext for her to visit 'that city' at this time. ...It was fortunate that things were proceeding according to her calculations when she sent the dress for embroidery.

While relieved internally, Rishe broached the main topic. "So, I would like to stay there for a few days for the wedding dress alterations."

Summoning the courage to look Arnold straight in the eye, she stated firmly, "Beztria, the largest canal city in Garkhain."


At that moment, Arnold's expression remained unchanged. However, Rishe predicted the words Arnold would say next. Arnold casually stated with his chin resting on the armrest of his chair.

"I'll accompany you."

(...Just as I thought...)

Arnold also had a reason to go to that city at this time.

(Arnold's actions have multiple meanings. It's not just about accommodating my whims.)

However, Rishe couldn't behave as if she knew that. Moreover, with various worries on her mind, Rishe asked Arnold sincerely. "Prince Arnold, as always, your official duties must keep you very busy, don't they?"

Arnold ignored Rishe and turned to Oliver, "Oliver, please make the necessary arrangements." 

"Yes, of course!" Oliver quickly replied with a bow. 

"Oliver, you too?!" Rishe cried.

To Rishe's surprise, Oliver replied as if it were nothing. Despite calculating for this to happen, she still felt guilty. Nevertheless, Arnold began to scribble on the documents with a composed expression.

"If it's Beztria, we can use a ship partway there. We should arrive in about two days from here." Arnold mused. 

"Then, Lady Rishe. How about this?" With the documents received from Arnold in hand, Oliver, with a refreshing smile, continued. "How about presenting this as your 'pre-wedding trip'?"

"Wha...!" At those words, Rishe's shoulders jumped.

"Considering the adjustments to various schedules, this might sound the most reasonable. If the public hears that the crown prince and his bride-to-be took a pre-wedding trip, it will also help promote tourism to Besaltia." Oliver explained.

"That... may be true, but...!" Rishe exclaimed.

Oliver said it casually, but for Rishe, it was a big deal.

(...The sound of the words 'pre-wedding trip'...!)

Though flustered internally, Rishe gathered the courage to ask Arnold. "What do you think, Arnold...?"

"Regardless of the pretext for the outing, I don't particularly care." Arnold replied bluntly.

(That's right!!)

But despite that, Arnold cast a gentle gaze at Rishe. "Still, if there's something you don't want to do, just say it."

(Those kind words...!)

With her heart pounding as much from embarrassment as from happiness, Rishe shook her head vigorously.


Rishe's distress wasn't because she disliked the idea of a 'pre-wedding trip.' She had feelings of joy as well as embarrassment. She had to convey that properly. Gathering her courage, she spoke up.

"I want to go on a pre-wedding trip with you, Prince Arnold..."


Arnold glanced at her with a slight squint. Smiling, Oliver swiftly continued the conversation. "Please rest assured, Lady Rishe. It would also benefit our lord to show that he and his wife are getting along well."

"I supposed that's a good point. It's true that the position of the crown prince becomes more stable with the arrival of a consort, but..." Rishe muttered.

However, it would depend on the marriage partner.

"I am merely a duke's daughter from a small country. I wonder if I can be of any use in this position." she said.

"No, no. It's your own presence that can serve as our lord's support."

"Eh!?" Surprised by the words delivered with a smile, Rishe panicked.

Looking to Arnold for help, he seemed satisfied as he glanced at her with a slightly squinted gaze.

"That's right." Arnold said with a somewhat amused expression. "Your efforts have already attracted attention for the technological contributions from Coyolles and the progress in the relief efforts in the slums through the partnership with the Aria Company. Even those who aren't particularly interested in politics are looking forward to your wedding. Moreover, it's been decided that Sylvia, the renowned songstress, will sing the blessing song on the wedding day."

The conversation took an unexpected turn, leaving Rishe stunned.

"You're praising me too much. All of that is thanks to Prince Arnold's decisions!" Rishe said.

"No, he's right. Your development of nail rouge and the partnership with the Aria Company have also garnered attention from the people. Even the nobles in our country are watching your efforts, Lady Rishe!" Oliver added.

"Aren't you flattering us too much...!?" How did things end up like this, Rishe wondered in astonishment.

Though Rishe turned to Arnold for help, he seemed amused as he nodded along with Oliver's remarks.

"In any case, just show them what you've got. There shouldn't be any problems." Arnold said.

"Ugh, you seem to be enjoying this...!" Rishe groaned.

For now, however, it was a measure to avoid war.

(For Arnold-sama's future. While using the completion of the wedding dress as an excuse, I have to work hard on 'this matter'...!)

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