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The pure white dress, seemingly imbued with a faint glow, traced a delicate silhouette along Rishe's body.

With its design revealing her dainty shoulders and collarbones, yet adorned with sheer lace, the balance between exposed and covered skin was exquisite. The radiance of her honey-polished skin, illuminated by the twilight sun, was further emphasized by the dress.

The long train spread out on the floor resembled a pool of milk. Despite the generous amount of fabric used, it felt as light as air, billowing gracefully with every movement Rishe made. The open back of the dress accentuated the contrast with the train, creating a striking effect.

The embroidery and gemstones adorning the entire ensemble were crafted by artisans of this city.

Using ample amounts of gold and silver thread, intricate three-dimensional embroidery adorned the dress. Alongside beautiful flowers and fluttering butterflies, tiny diamonds and sapphires, like stardust, were meticulously sewn.

"These sapphires..."

While bashfully looking down, Rishe recounted what she had heard from the seamstresses earlier.

"They were considerate enough to use them because they knew my cherished ring has blue sapphires..."


"So, um..."

Arnold remained silent, making Rishe feel increasingly uneasy.

(Maybe there was something odd about it after all!?)

With such anxiety building up, Rishe hurriedly called out to him.

"Arnold, um..."

But at that moment, she was unexpectedly embraced tightly by his arms, causing Rishe to gulp audibly.

"This." The voice whispered in her ear was lower than usual. "Do we really have to display it publicly?"

The slightly heated tone made Rishe's face flush instantly.

Somehow, the earnestness in his touch gave her the illusion of being enveloped in his arms. Despite knowing that she was being praised, Rishe cautiously asked, just to be sure.

"D-Does it... suit me?"

"There's no doubt." While caressing Rishe's hair, Arnold spoke with a slightly husky voice. "I've told you before."

His voice was so tender, yet it carried a profound sense of importance as he addressed Rishe.

"To me, you're the only beautiful thing."


Receiving such straightforward words, Rishe felt her body growing warm.

She became conscious of Arnold's hand directly touching her exposed back, extending up to her waist. With her hair being caressed, Rishe buried her face in Arnold's chest to conceal her blush.

Despite feeling embarrassed and sulking, Arnold gently spoke.


A kiss was planted on her temple.

Startled, she quickly lifted her head, only to find Arnold looking down at her with an indifferent expression. As if teasing her, he wanted to show how much her heart could endure.


Arnold looked earnestly at Rishe.

"It seems my words weren't enough."

There was no way he could know the meaning behind Rishe's answer. Yet Arnold narrowed his eyes, took Rishe's left hand, and kissed the tip of her ring-adorned finger.

Her shoulder, exposed by the bridal attire, twitched.

Rishe involuntarily gripped Arnold's sleeve tightly, and whispered a wish.

"...Please... one more time..."

It was cunning and wrong to ask like this. Despite being aware of it, Rishe couldn't stop herself from asking for more.

But instead of repeating kisses on her fingertips, Arnold gently lifted Rishe's chin with his finger.

Their lips met in a kiss, leaving Rishe wide-eyed.

Immediately, she squinted. Various emotions intertwined, tightening her chest. As their lips parted and then met again, Rishe closed her eyes.

Even after repeating it several times, she didn't feel any improvement. After the umpteenth kiss, Rishe let out a feverish sigh, instinctively clinging to Arnold and hiding her face.

"...You're mean..."

Suppressing many words, she managed to say just that.

Arnold stroked Rishe's head, his voice soft and understanding.

"I suppose so."

He was truly kind, yet so wicked.

He kissed her for the sake of 'practice'. Despite that, he didn't scold Rishe for her lack of improvement. Yet Arnold, while repeatedly kissing her, gave her a gentle scolding with his soft lips.

(...Above all, the only thing I desire right now is a happy future with Arnold. But he never promises me that...)

That's why Rishe desperately wanted to achieve it, no matter what.

"There's something I'd like to ask of you, Lord Arnold... Please, let me meet your father."



That night, a procession of carriages arrived in the imperial capital of Sianjis in Galkhein.

Each carriage was adorned with intricate decorations, and even the horses wore ornate harnesses.

Inside one of the carriages, a man with crossed legs rested his chin on vividly colored cushions, in high spirits as he emptied his cup.

"It's been a while since I visited this city."

The drink he had been enjoying since earlier was a favorite among the common folk in the countries he had traveled through on his journey.

Tasting the local brews and reflecting on the customs of the people was a pleasure this man often indulged in.

"But to think that Arnold is taking a wife."

Setting down his golden cup, he squinted in amusement.

"What kind of woman could have changed Arnold's mind after he scorned the idea of my harem?"

King Zahad of the desert kingdom of Haril Rasha chuckled softly.

"I'm looking forward to meeting you."

7th Time Loop WN Vol. 6 Fan TranslationWhere stories live. Discover now