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"Or perhaps it could be someone who met the former empress directly after she came as a bride."

When it came to the previous priestess of the goddess, it wouldn't be strange if there were portraits of her somewhere. However, the fact that the former shrine princess was Arnold's mother had been kept as a major secret.

Even if that hooded man knew Arnold's mother not as a priestess but as his birth mother, there would only be a limited number of people aware of that.

"The tower where the empresses lived could only be accessed through the emperor's residential area." Arnold's words reminded Rishe of the current emperor's shadow against the moon.

She hadn't directly faced that man, who exuded a quiet yet tremendous murderous intent at close range. Nevertheless, the atmosphere at that moment was chilling, making it difficult even to breathe.

"Only the female caretakers were allowed to come and go, but now both the empresses and the caretakers are all dead."

Frowning at the unsettling situation, Rishe replied, "If that man had an opportunity to know Your Highness's birth mother, it would have been before she came to Galkhein..."

"In that case, it would mean he's a man with connections to the Crusade Church."

Rishe made a slight noise in agreement.

"A person with ties to the Crusade Church, knowledge of overseas navigation, and the ability to conduct business with nobles..."

When put it like that, it somehow felt familiar... similar to her life...

(...In addition to that, he possesses combat skills like a knight and agility like a hunter. A person who knows about merchants, ships, and the Crusade Church... It seems...)

She frowned slightly, feeling puzzled inwardly.

(Is he... similar to me...? I only acquired all of my skills because of my other "lives.")

Unconsciously, she squeezed Arnold's hand tightly.


Arnold might have noticed her tension, but he wouldn't be able to understand the reason behind it.

Still, when his blue eyes stared intently at her, it felt like he could see through everything. Arnold's expressionless eyes were as clear as wet blades.

"It's now obvious that the man calling himself Thaddeus is not just a slave trader."

Instead of evading her previous thoughts, Rishe presented a different line of thinking to Arnold.

"This international human trafficking incident has become a far more complicated issue than anticipated... In that case, what concerns me most is..."

Recalling the events of the past few days, she voiced her thoughts.

"That man might be someone whose purpose is to harm Galkhein."

Arnold lowered his gaze slightly.

(The royal family of the western powerhouse, Fabrannia, created counterfeit money for Galkhein to weaken its national power. There must have been someone behind the scenes, not King Walter himself but someone who advised him...)

But that wasn't all.

(That person is also getting closer to my former fiancé, Prince Dietrich... Perhaps even this is a trap to harm His Highness Arnold and undermine Galkhein.)

Galkhein was a powerful country with a formidable military force that could influence the histories of all the countries in this world.

It was evident just by looking into the future.

There would be those who wanted to be wary of it, those who wanted to use it, and those who wished to destroy it.

"That man surely..."


After narrowing his eyes, Arnold changed his posture.

"In any case..."

"Huh?" Rishe inadvertently let out a sound as Arnold peered into her face, and their foreheads gently touched.

"First, let's fulfill your wish."

"M-My wish... is, indeed..."

Arnold loosened the grip of their joined hands.

Instead of intertwining their fingers, he gently held Rishe's hand in a way that enveloped it, and continued.

"It seems like you want to rescue all the victims of human trafficking. If so, focusing on that would be more efficient."

"That's true, but..."

His fingertips slowly traced the base of Rishe's nails.

The touch was slightly ticklish. Rishe never imagined that Arnold would touch someone like this.

"You've exerted too much strain on your body today."

"Prince, you shouldn't be the one saying that..."

This time, Rishe was the one speaking the truth. When Rishe pouted, Arnold let go of her hand this time.

Then, Arnold touched Rishe's cheek with his large hand.


As his fingers traced near her ear, Rishe reflexively flinched.

But Arnold must have noticed that she didn't resist. Despite feeling embarrassed, Rishe timidly called out to him.

"Prince Arnold..."

"What is it?"

"...Aren't you spoiling me a bit too much today...?"

In response, Arnold blinked once and looked at Rishe.

7th Time Loop WN Vol. 6 Fan TranslationWhere stories live. Discover now