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Regarding the wars initiated by Arnold, even Rishe, who knows the rough future, finds it difficult to make predictions.

There are several reasons for this. For example, Rishe doesn't know about Arnold's past lives and thus can't understand what happened to him.

Another aspect is that the movements of the Galkhain army are different every loop.

(And perhaps, I'm partially to blame for that.)

Standing on the deck of the ship descending the canal, Rishe took a small breath.

(In my first life, I became a merchant and traded with Kaine Tully. ...The land and sea routes we developed changed global trade...)

For merchants, the routes they take are crucial. Throughout Rishe's merchant lives, they worked with masters who found such "paths."

(The military also utilizes land and sea routes similarly. Emperor Arnold Hein invaded various countries using the routes we had opened.)

Gazing at the river's surface, Rishe reflected vaguely on their past lives.

(In my apothecary and alchemist loops, I made roads in similar ways. Because different routes were needed than in merchant lives, in these three lives, the paths were different. However, the Galkhain army, in all three lives, invaded in the most efficient order from the paths available at that time...)

In her last loop, Rishe was just a knight. However, to somehow make Arnold aware of the dangers of the Galkhain army's movements, Rishe appealed to the head of the knights and through him to the king. As a result, ultimately, even this sixth life had a transportation situation different from any previous life.

(Every time I repeat my life, transportation situations around the world change each time. ...The invasion routes and order of Emperor Arnold are different in all my loops, thanks to this.)

Rishe unknowingly influenced Arnold's actions, when they hadn't even met. This fact left Rishe feeling somewhat conflicted.

(The future Emperor Arnold proceeds with wars in the most efficient manner. If it were only about usurping the throne by killing the current Emperor, it could be easily attributed to the conflict with his father... But a rational Emperor Arnold wouldn't arbitrarily start a world war.)

Placing a hand on the railing of the deck, Rishe let out a sigh.

(There's a reason beyond just patricide for the subsequent wars. Rather, killing his father might have been just a step in the process of becoming emperor and waging wars...)

"――Rishe." A voice came from right behind, making Rishe jump.

"Eek!!" Rishe  flinched. 

Turning around, Rishe saw Arnold standing on the deck. Arnold had been discussing official matters with Oliver in the lower cabin. Rishe felt uneasy being close to Arnold in the cramped ship, so they had come out to feel the breeze.

"You forgot your hat." Arnold said.

"Oh, thank you very much...!" Rishe replied. 

A hat adorned with flowers and ribbons was gently placed on Rishe's head. Arnold, seemingly disinterested, looked out at the scenery from beside Rishe.

"You seemed quite absorbed in the view."

(...I wasn't really looking at the scenery.)

While adjusting the hat, Rishe raised their head again. "It's a large canal. This is the key city for maritime trade in Galkhain..."

The canal sparkled with water, bustling with many boats coming and going. The boat Rishe was on was a two-story one meant for carrying people, not cargo. There were smaller boats around and even larger ones. Lining both sides of the canal were brick buildings. A refreshing breeze blew through the beautiful riverside town.

She turned to Arnold and said, "I can feel the bustling atmosphere. It's as if the city itself has a heart and is excited all over. I'm really looking forward to exploring the city after getting off the boat."

"We're almost at the dock. We've arranged for a carriage, but walking to the inn is also fine." Arnold explained.

In that case, Rishe definitely wanted to make a few detours. With sparkling eyes, Rishe looked up at Arnold, who softened his gaze.

Arnold spoke to Rishe, "...I was a bit worried you felt ill, but I suppose your health is fine after all."

"Me? Yes, I'm very energetic!" Rishe shared.

"That's good then."

As Rishe tilted their head, Arnold, running his fingers through Rishe's hair rustled by the wind, spoke. "Since your birthday wish was granted, you seemed unsettled."

Even Rishe could tell she was blushing a crimson color.

(It's because I realized I've kissed him a lot and because I have feelings for Prince Arnold...)

Arnold couldn't have failed to notice Rishe's suspicious behavior. However, Rishe lacked the courage to verbalize the reason.

(Making him think I might be unwell because I'm restless... I can't burden His Highness with unnecessary worries, especially when he's already so busy.)

After struggling with their thoughts, Rishe quietly reached out to Arnold.

Then, Rishe tightly grasped Arnold's sleeve.


It's definitely going to seem odd. But for Rishe's future, she needed to muster the courage to ask.

"Can we stay like this for a little while...?" Rishe asked quietly.


With a slightly furrowed brow, Arnold eventually sighed softly. "Why?"

"Um, it's just... I want to do a little, secret training..."


Rishe remained red-faced and bowed their head to hide it.

(To get used to being by the side of someone I like...)

By practicing like this, Rishe believed she could eventually behave normally around Arnold. Thinking so, she timidly looked up at Arnold with upturned eyes.

With a stern expression still on his face, Arnold suddenly glanced at a passing boat nearby. Similar to theirs, the boat had a two-story structure, but it was slightly smaller. Sailors skillfully handled the sails as the boat attempted to head upstream against the wind.

The feeling of unease that Rishe had was likely the same as Arnold's. Their gazes were fixed on the cargo placed on the deck.

(Is that cargo's shape... something?)

Rolling on the deck was a large hemp sack. It wasn't in the shape of a box, likely not containing liquid either. It was cylindrical in shape.

(Could it be that the contents are...)

In that moment of realization for Rishe, the sack moved ever so slightly.

(Just as I suspected, a person!!)

At that instant Rishe realized it, Arnold spoke. "Step back."

Before Rishe could respond, Arnold's sleeve, which she had been holding tightly, slipped from their grasp. Arnold immediately stepped onto the railing of the ship without hesitation and leaped onto the neighboring vessel.

"Your Highness!" 

7th Time Loop WN Vol. 6 Fan TranslationWhere stories live. Discover now