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"Because you've been touching me a lot since earlier. And also..."

Since they got into the same bed, it seemed as though Arnold was touching her playfully, although it was to calm Rishe down.

Startled, Rishe hastily asked Arnold, "Could it be that your injuries are bothering you...?"


"Are you uncomfortable in any position? If lying on your back or your side hurts, it might be better to sleep in a position that distributes the strain."

If there had been a winter blanket available, rolling it up might have helped with posture. However, it was difficult with the thin summer blankets and pillows.

After thinking for a moment, Rishe leaned towards Arnold.


"I... If there were a body pillow, the pain might be alleviated..."

Summoning her courage, she looked into his blue eyes.

And the most convenient 'body pillow' available here would likely be Rishe herself.

"...Please, feel free to hold me however you like, Your Highness..."


With that, Arnold, expressionless, lowered his gaze. Then, using the same gentle fingers that had touched her before, he began to gently stroke her hair.


Rishe recalled when she was a child, how she used to clumsily stroke her favorite stuffed animal too hard.

This touch didn't feel like seeking comfort or being soothed; rather, it felt like being scolded with intent.

"Y-Your Highness...!"

Finally stopping his hand, Arnold sighed softly, seeming to want to say something.

"I-I'm sorry."

It was indeed an inconvenient suggestion. Not only might Rishe's embrace not be comfortable, but it could also potentially strain the wound.

"If only Your Highness could have a peaceful sleep... But there's so little I can do."



There was a warm warmth in Arnold's blue eyes.

As he gently combed through Rishe's likely tangled hair, Arnold said, "Let me borrow you for a moment."


The next moment, she was enveloped in his arms.


One hand pulled Rishe's waist closer while the other wrapped around her back. Rishe's face nestled against Arnold's chest, feeling overwhelmed by how close he was.

(His... body temperature...)

Wrapped up in him, Rishe felt her cheeks heating up to her ears.

Leaning on Arnold's chest, Rishe felt a pang in her left chest as if clinging to him desperately.

With every beat of her own heart, she realized the fact that she was in love with him. Her heart tightened with pain, and Rishe found herself clutching Arnold's shirt tightly.

"It's clear that you're seeking comfort from me." Arnold, touching her forehead with his lips, whispered.

"...Your Highness...?"

The rest was left unsaid. But Rishe somehow understood what he was thinking.

(To make me his wife, to keep me close for that reason... He previously said that this is one of the means to achieve his 'purpose'...)

Even if Rishe desired marriage with him now, for Arnold, who resented his own actions and those of the emperor, this marriage would be troublesome.

(...Even though I could become the most obstructive existence to his purpose...)

Rishe wrapped her arms around Arnold's back, clinging to him tightly. Though Arnold seemed slightly surprised, his hand continued to gently stroke her hair.

"...I hope you won't have any frightening dreams, Your Highness."


She had been told that touching her would prevent him from having strange dreams. Rishe wished for that tonight as well.

"May the day come when you can wish for your own happiness..."


With her eyes closed, listening to Arnold's heartbeat, she felt his large hand stroking her head.

Though she had wanted to stay awake until he fell asleep, her body slowly sank into a warm sea. Leaning against his comforting warmth, Rishe began to breathe softly and eventually fell asleep.


Arnold, who had slightly moved away, naturally couldn't know that he had intertwined his fingers with Rishe's left hand as she slept.

"I don't desire such happiness."

His words, unheard by Rishe, were spoken calmly yet tinged with a hint of darkness.


Lowering his gaze, Arnold pressed a kiss to Rishe's ring finger and said quietly,

"...Someday, you will fulfill my wish."

His voice carried both coldness and a faint melancholy.

7th Time Loop WN Vol. 6 Fan TranslationWhere stories live. Discover now