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Beyond the door, there were about two figures. Perhaps the sailors had come to see what was happening. Sailors on illegal ships like this were often composed of pirates who assumed combat as a premise. They wore cutlasses at their waists, distinguishing them from ordinary crew members.

Seeing Yoel, they paused in bewilderment. Yoel's movements were so quick that they couldn't comprehend what was happening.

The light from their lamps reflected off the blades of their short swords.

Yoel swiftly stepped into their guard and struck one in the shoulder with the pommel of his sword. He lowered his body and skillfully shifted his weight, twisting with precision.

"Ugh!! What the hell are you...!!"

As one sailor fell, the other, bewildered, drew his sword. But in that moment, he too collapsed with a pathetic scream.


Yoel licked his lips, his eyes sparkling like a child presented with a favorite treat.

"It wasn't much, but it's been a while since I wielded a sword..."

(...As always, his swordsmanship is like a burst of lightning...)

Rishe, who had been holding up the lamp for Yoel, made a sound in her throat.

It was like witnessing lightning strike and scatter enemies in an instant. Arnold's swordsmanship, which felt heavy with each blow, was completely different from this, yet it was still the sword of a 'genius.'

But there was no time to be mesmerized.

"Yoel here's a cutlass for you!"

Rishe threw one of the swords she borrowed from the sailors. Its blade was curved like a crescent moon. She took another for herself.

Longer than a dagger and more suitable for fighting aboard a ship than a sword, Rishe had used similar swords in training during her knightly life.

Gripping the hilt, Rishe intercepted a third sword that appeared behind Yoel.

Compared to the sword she had stopped Arnold with before, this impact was nothing.

Rishe changed the direction of the blade and deflected the opponent's sword with ease.

"What...!?" The third sailor widened his eyes. Seeing the man lose his balance, Rishe promptly bent down.



Even before Rishe signaled, Yoel kicked the floor.

With agile leaps, Yoel landed and swung the sheathed cutlass at the opponent's forehead.


As Yoel landed, the sailor collapsed. Rishe stood up, exhaling as she witnessed the battle up close.

(Amazing movements...! As expected of Yoel. Just watching from the sidelines like this teaches me so much.)

Even though she understood that it was a fight born from a combination of agility and muscle strength, she couldn't help but admire it. However, Yoel, looking at Rishe, seemed to regard her with suspicion.

"...such a strange girl."


"I've never thought it's easier to fight with someone else."

His words made Rishe, his 'junior,' unexpectedly happy.

Nevertheless, she couldn't afford to indulge in that emotion.

"Let's go. Since the presence upstairs seems far, we still have many layers to reach the deck... Ah! Wait, Yoel!"

Chasing after Yoel as he dashed out again, Rishe diligently supported him.

With a lamp and sword in hand, they climbed up, encountering opponents along the way whom they incapacitated. Despite her efforts to avoid calling for reinforcements, as the commotion grew, sailors and crew members began to gather.

The more numerous the enemies became, the brighter Yoel's eyes shone. He challenged opponents who seemed highly skilled first. The enemies Yoel ignored were handled by Rishe.

Yoel's swordsmanship had a unique rhythm, resembling a dance, but Rishe could grasp it.

"I'll keep these enemies occupied! Please, Yoel, do as you please!"

"Piece of cake. Looks a bit tastier than the others..."

Even in the face of obvious veterans, Yoel only offered peculiar remarks. While smiling wryly at their characteristic behavior, Rishe pushed open the door of the cabin, drawing out more opponents.

"These women...!!"

Although they scorned them so, in such cramped quarters, they had the advantage.

Quickly placing the lamp on the table, Rishe took a cutlass in each hand. Despite wielding two blades, she was careful not to damage the cabin.


After the last opponent collapsed, Rishe exhaled shallowly and noticed.

"This nautical chart..."

This must be a room where navigators stored documents for the ship.

Frowning, Rishe approached a map displayed on the wall.

(Locations marked with symbols... This is...)

She drew closer and touched it with her finger.

It was the harbor town north of Galkhein closest to Coyolles Kingdom.


It was the city ruled by the 'loyal vassal' Lawvine, who would be executed by Arnold in the future.

7th Time Loop WN Vol. 6 Fan TranslationWhere stories live. Discover now