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However, the knot of the bandage seemed to be of a somewhat peculiar shape. It was likely a unique tying method learned by Arnold through his experiences on the battlefield. Sitting on the floor, Rishe took her time to untie the knot.

Seeing her struggle, Arnold, seemingly unable to bear it, loosened the bandage for her. With the sound of fabric rustling, the bandage came off, clearly revealing more of his defined muscles.

Rishe's gaze fixated on the wound on his side.


Turning around abruptly, she grabbed the antiseptic placed on the bedside table. This medicine was obtained through Oliver and handed to Arnold from Rishe's belongings.

As she cleaned her hands with it, Rishe pleaded with Arnold.

"Please close your eyes, Your Highness."


Without saying a word, Arnold obediently closed his eyes as Rishe requested.

Carefully, to avoid causing him pain, Rishe touched around the wound. Then, she gently traced her fingers over Arnold's skin and asked,

"Do you understand what I just did?"

"...You traced your fingers from top to bottom."

Feeling relieved at his response, Rishe noticed that while the area around the wound was noticeably warm, there was minimal discoloration from internal bleeding. She also checked Arnold's pulse by holding his wrist with her other hand.

(It's a bit fast... But considering the circumstances right after being stabbed, he's quite composed.)

If Arnold were experiencing severe pain or discomfort, his heartbeat would be irregular. Even as Rishe stared at his face, Arnold's expression remained impassive.

The bleeding from the wound had indeed stopped, and upon examining the cut, it seemed relatively shallow.

Rishe imagined the dagger that had fallen on the deck. Judging from the area wet with blood, she speculated how deep the dagger had pierced.

"I'll move it gently while pressing. Does it hurt only here?"


(If the dagger pierced from this angle and the pain is only localized here, as His Highness Arnold says, the injury may not be serious...)

Nevertheless, the bleeding stopped too quickly.

Was Rishe merely overlooking Arnold enduring pain? Just as she was about to double-check thoroughly, Arnold uttered unexpected words.

"It's the blood of the goddess."

In Arnold's voice, unexpected words were spoken. "Perhaps... it's accelerating the healing of the wound."

Arnold's mother belonged to a special lineage known as the "Priestess of the goddess."

The Crusade religion, worshiped in most countries in this world, venerates a goddess. It is believed that the lineage of the Priestesses are the descendants who inherit the blood of that goddess.

Arnold, with a slightly self-deprecating smile in his expressionless face, asked Rishe, "Do you really think it's that serious?"

"But the wounds seem too shallow to have been caused in such a manner..."

"Regardless of the reason, are you now satisfied with the fact that the wounds are shallow?"

As Arnold suggested, if this were a normal examination, she would be smiling at the patient, encouraging them to "relax." But despite her concentrated efforts during the examination, her heart continued to beat rapidly.

(...I know what's going on, but it's still so frightening...)

While focused on the examination, her hands hadn't trembled at all. Yet, as soon as even a hint of relief came, a strong sense of fear washed over her.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness Arnold."

Sitting on the floor, Rishe leaned her upper body against Arnold's knee, seeking support.

"Because you... protected me..."


A small sigh could be heard from above.

Then Arnold bent down, gently pulled Rishe off the floor, and held her as if to comfort her. Being placed on Arnold's knee and embraced passively, Rishe widened her eyes.

"Y-Your Highness Arnold...?"

7th Time Loop WN Vol. 6 Fan TranslationWhere stories live. Discover now