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(Wha... Why is this person here of all places!? Well, it's not really strange for them to be in this town, and one of my objectives was to meet them anyway...!!)

But now's not the time to dwell on it.

Rishe lightly patted her previous companion's cheeks and gave the same greeting she always had in her past life. "Hey... Wake up. Good morning, it's morning!"

"Morning...?" With a sleepy voice, they blinked their eyes open, brown eyes gazing lazily at Rishe. After sitting up and letting out a big yawn a familiar voice continued, "Ugh... Have we arrived at Galkhein already?"

"We have. And while I'd like to hear more details, for now, I just need to know about your health! Any pain, nausea, or discomfort!?"

"Mmm, none... Just bored and sleepy while I was captured..."

At that moment, hurried footsteps could be heard. "That black-haired guy's a monster, don't engage him!" The sailors shouted. "Let's abandon the ship, scatter and flee!! Leave the 'cargo' behind, the ship we're about to board will have other goods prepared!!"

Upon hearing the shouts of the sailors, Rishe frowned.

(No matter how capable Prince Arnold is, he can't handle enemies fleeing in different directions simultaneously.)

Rishe was in the same boat. In situations like this, manpower was essential. Reaching for the hem of her dress, Rishe drew the dagger she had secured to her thigh with a belt. Then, she spoke again, "If you don't have any injuries and were just sleeping, then please take this!" With that said, Rishe set down her dagger. 

"'ll go assist the other side!" Rishe said as she quickly left the cabin.

There seemed to be two staircases from the cargo hold to the deck of the ship. There were also several windows from which one could escape into the river.

The footsteps echoing through the ship seemed to be around ten people. Considering the size of the ship, there should have been at least thirty to forty sailors.

"Get out of the way, woman!" A sailor who running away tried to push Rishe aside and raised his cutlass. Rishe used Arnold's sword along with its sheath to intercept the attack before deflecting the blade.

Confused, the man whose strength was dispersed didn't understand what had happened.

Rishe then grabbed the sailor's wrist, used the structure of his body to twist it, and struck him on the back of his neck as he collapsed to the floor.

(How many more... I need to make sure they don't escape outside of the ship.)

As she took down one or two more, she felt Arnold dealing with most of them. But then, it happened.

"What are you doing, leave the 'cargo' and run!" a sailor shouted.

Someone else yelled, "Wait, wait, Drag any woman, I don't care which, but take her even if we have to drag her!"

Two men entered the cabin between Arnold and Rishe. It was the room where the women were being held captive. Arnold, who had just knocked out the last sailor nearby, glanced back at the cabin and clicked his tongue.

But Rishe knew that even if Arnold didn't make it in time, it wouldn't be a problem. "It'll be okay, Prince Arnold!"

Just as Arnold squinted, a woman's scream echoed from the cabin.


Following that, there was a sound like something falling in the cabin. Arnold and Rishe, who had arrived at the cabin at the same time, went in together.

Inside stood the person in the red dress, to whom Rishe had given the dagger earlier.

"...Ugh, this is so annoying..."

The person in the red dress seemed annoyed, grabbing the hem of the dress before roughly grabbing their long hair.

"Dresses are annoying. Hair's annoying too. Ugh... I've beaten up those pirate bastards, so this is fine, right?"

"...Is that..." Arnold muttered.

"As you suspect. Prince Arnold."

The wig that had been covering their long red hair slipped off and fell to the floor. Beneath the wig, they wore a thin shirt and pants. Looking like this, their tall figure that initially seemed feminine was actually quite slender for a man.

"Ugh... sleepy..."

With a languid atmosphere, he rubbed their eyes with a sleepy expression, his clear double eyelids framed by long eyelashes.

(As always. I don't know if this expression is correct...)

He should be one year older than Rishe, currently seventeen years old. Though considered a young man, he had a delicate impression and was praised by the women for his boyish features. While his eyes appeared brown at first glance, it was because he always seemed to be looking down, away from the light.

Rishe knew well that his eyes sparkled like gold when seen in bright light.

(In my life as a knight, I spent a lot of time rooming with him.)

The vacant golden-brown eyes turned towards Arnold.


With the dagger in hand, Yoel, still standing, stepped towards Arnold, who was in front of Rishe. Knowing Yoel's past behavior well, Rishe tensed up.

(No! If it's the usual Yoel, he'd definitely provoke Prince Arnold...)

"...Hey, black-haired guy over there." Contrary to Rishe's expectations, Yoel spoke in his sleepy voice. "What's your relationship with the coral-haired girl behind you?"

(Huh, me?)

It was then that Rishe finally noticed. Arnold must have moved in front of Rishe to protect her from Yoel.

"Uh, um, Prince Arnold?"

"...Well, it doesn't matter right now... More importantly, I'm still so... sleepy..."

Right after that, Yoel collapsed heavily to the floor.

Shocked, Rishe wondered if he was injured, but it seemed that wasn't the case. Yoel began to snore.

Arnold, looking somewhat displeased, muttered quietly. "...What's with this guy?"

Rishe answered, "Uh, it might be the effect of the medicine! Let's drop anchor for now, stop the ship, and treat these people!!"

And with that, without having time to think about this unexpected encounter, Rishe would spend the next hour bustling around busily.

7th Time Loop WN Vol. 6 Fan TranslationWhere stories live. Discover now