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Rishe, tightening her bowstring, shot an arrow through the leg of an enemy, stopping their movement, and then followed after Arnold.

In the midst of the violently rocking ship, Arnold's fighting style was surprisingly steady, considering he hadn't experienced much fighting on ships.

(Not just extraordinary swordsmanship, but also his body control...!)

It made sense why Arnold, leaving behind the royal guards, was the only one to step forward. Even as multiple sailors attacked and more appeared from another ship, Arnold's expression remained unchanged.


On the deck, there were scattered wooden crates and barrels. The enemies would use these moving obstacles to approach.

(My task is...)

Rishe hung her bow over her shoulder and grabbed the nearby rope ladder attached to a mast. Climbing up to a certain height, she wrapped the rope ladder around her hand to secure herself. In that position, she drew her arrow again and shouted while aiming at the enemies in front of Arnold.

"Two meters ahead, at eleven o'clock, two more behind the crates!"


Arnold immediately kicked the crate, sending it flying forward with force. As the two hidden men collapsed, Rishe jumped down onto the crate and shot arrows at the shadows of barrels visible from the elevated position.

Though it was about thirty meters to the stern with the helm, enemies were still pouring in. While keeping an eye on Yoel, Rishe shouted to the two of them.

"The helm is turning to port! Next, it'll tilt left outward!!"

Arnold cut down several enemies, clearing a path beside him.

"Rishe, come."

"Yes, Arnold!"

As Rishe jumped into the space Arnold had cleared, the ship lurched slightly. Arnold grabbed Rishe's waist. The sturdy crate they had just been on collided with the mast with a loud noise.

They quickly distanced themselves, drew their swords, and cut down enemies whose balance was disrupted by the swaying.

Standing next to Arnold, Rishe switched back to her bow from her sword.

(Even in this fog and sway, Raul would never miss. ...I've wasted several arrows)


As Arnold protected her back, he prepared his sword against the enemies.

" Can you get the man off the helm?"

(――I only have one arrow left...)

The sailor holding the helm was blurry in the mist.

But Rishe bravely answered Arnold, leaning back against him.

"Leave it to me!"


The soft voice wasn't because of Rishe's conceit.

(Protecting me like this might be a weakness for Prince Arnold...)

The other day, Rishe keenly felt this fact when she injured Arnold.

(Prince Arnold is originally rational, only keeping those necessary by his side. Both Oliver and Raul, they were chosen by His Highness...)

Rishe took a deep breath and nocked an arrow.

(The technological alliance with Coyolles, the coinage technology partnership with Siguell, even forgiving Professor Michel - it wouldn't be strange even if he acknowledged the "Merchant of Death")

Even if Rishe were to stop him in this city, Arnold would eventually obtain warships like those of Sharga.

It's different from gunpowder. Naval technology is lacking in Galkhein compared to other countries.

Arnold is not a ruler who neglects what his country lacks, knowing it.

(That's why)

Rishe slowly squinted her eyes and fixed her gaze on the arrow's target.

In the rocking ship, she tried to stabilize her core, searching for any pattern amidst the sway.

Rishe believed that Arnold would protect not only her but also Yoel. Even if she worried about his wounds, she decided to entrust everything to him.

(In the future to come, I'll make it clear to everyone...)

And Rishe held her breath, focusing all her nerves.

(Crown Prince Arnold Hein will believe he's stronger with his wife by his side.)

Deciding so, Rishe faced the enemy head-on.

(If I do that, Prince Arnold himself will acknowledge it...! He will choose me, his wife, over a merchant aiming to destroy the world.)

If she didn't become such a bride, she couldn't change the future ahead.

(I won't let him walk alone on that bloodstained path)

While praying beside Arnold, Rishe released her finger from the arrow.

(...I hope he choices a future with me...!)

The released arrow flew straight through the windless fog.

The arrowhead aimed right next to the man gripping the helm. If it continued forward, it would definitely miss the man.

But then, the ship, which had been leaning left, suddenly righted itself.


The arrow pierced the man's arm, and he screamed, letting go of the helm. The helm, which had been violently turned, was now released and the ship lurched one last time.

"We've got it, Your Highness!"

"All hands!"

Arnold's calm voice, still clearly audible, even in this chaos.

Finally, the knights descended in one go onto the now proper battlefield of the deck.

7th Time Loop WN Vol. 6 Fan TranslationWhere stories live. Discover now