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Rishe found herself holding her breath at Arnold's words.

In his eyes, the color of the sea reflected the lanterns' light. Arnold's gaze and the gentle, teasing touch of his fingers tracing her eyelashes, felt incredibly tender.


Unable to find the right words, Rishe panicked and hastily looked down. Her heart was racing, and her cheeks felt warm.

(Despite everything, the most beautiful thing here is His Highness Arnold!)

Yet Arnold had found something he deemed beautiful, and he had shared it with Rishe. A mix of joy and embarrassment overwhelmed her.



Arnold seemed puzzled by Rishe's inability to raise her head. He likely didn't mean to embarrass her; it was probably a voiced thought.

To hide the warmth spreading to her ears, Rishe lightly pressed a hand against one ear, even if it was just one ear to hide. She managed to say something to convey that it was because of him.

"My face is red, so it's better if you don't look..."


Desperately making her confession, Rishe felt like Arnold was observing her intently. Then, unexpectedly, Arnold's fingertip gently felt her cheek.


She flinched involuntarily. If he shouldn't see her blushing face, then surely he shouldn't check its temperature either.

"Really, Your Highness Arnold...!"

Protesting, Rishe looked up, only to widen her eyes in surprise once again.


Arnold, after confirming her warmth, chuckled with genuine amusement. He seemed a bit more relaxed than usual, with a pleasant expression. Then, with a mischievous tone, he touched Rishe's cheek again.

"—...Certainly red."


Her chest tightened. Arnold's laughter was rare, and now she couldn't meet his gaze.

Her heart raced, her words failed her, and her thoughts melted into a mess. She couldn't breathe properly when Arnold touched her, yet she didn't want him to let go.

She almost wanted to turn her back completely, but since their fingers were intertwined on her cheek, there was no escaping Arnold for Rishe.

Of course, she couldn't even choose to let go herself.

(...Loving someone is difficult!)

Lost in despair, she closed her eyes tightly. Then Arnold gently stroked Rishe's bowed head.


Despite everything Arnold was offering her, Rishe knew one thing for sure.

(I can't suppress this feeling now.)

Reminding herself, Rishe let out a sigh.

(To stop His Highness Arnold. And also, for the vow I made back then...)

She gently placed her fingers on her left chest. The heart once pierced by Arnold's sword ached with longing for him.

(Surely the world is changing little by little. The changes in His Highness Arnold will surely shape a new future...)

Slowly opening her eyes, she reached for Arnold's hand.

"Can you continue to teach me, little by little?"

Though embarrassed, she mustered the courage to timidly raise her face.

"The things Your Highness Arnold wants to show me."

With that hope in mind, Rishe looked at Arnold with the most beautiful eyes in the world and saw him nod.

Rishe couldn't find words to express her joy. She smiled in the midst of overwhelming happiness, masking a voice that was on the verge of trembling.

And she felt a certain hope swell within her.

(With His Highness Arnold now, perhaps there's a way other than war.)

When she had just become engaged to Arnold, it seemed nearly impossible. But now, things have changed from those days.

(Regardless of His Highness's intentions. Surely he'll understand that there's a way to change the world without killing my father and starting a war...)

Still holding hands with Arnold, Rishe squinted as she looked back at the lanterns on the canal.

"I hope this beautiful prayer continues forever."


With a feeling akin to praying, Rishe murmured.

But at that moment, she felt a sudden sense of discomfort. When Rishe looked up at Arnold, she caught a glimpse of his beautiful profile.

Arnold gazed at the surface of the canal, his voice quiet.

"...I see."


At that moment, Rishe's heart froze.

(His gaze felt cold...)

If only she could have judged it as just a casual remark.

Arnold merely nodded in response to Rishe's wish.

It seemed like a simple event, but Rishe sensed a faint hostility in his eyes, understanding that he would never agree with her.

(Emperor Arnold Hein was said to have transformed the largest canal in the country into a structure specialized for war.)

Rishe knew for sure what Arnold would do in the future.

(Right before he killed his father... —To initiate a war of conquest around the world.)

(His Highness Arnold's intentions...)

Within Rishe, a strong fear arose, powerful enough to drown out the hope that had been born.

(The purpose of patricide and the war that follows... Maybe nothing has changed at all...)

7th Time Loop WN Vol. 6 Fan TranslationWhere stories live. Discover now