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Arnold narrowed his eyes slightly before saying something unexpected.

"What I want to show you the most is still up ahead."


Even though it's already so beautiful, could there be something even more beautiful? As Rishe's eyes sparkled with excitement, Arnold asked softly. "Can you walk a little further?"

"Yes!" With excitement bubbling inside her, Rishe replied, and Arnold chuckled softly. As they started walking together, she hurriedly asked, "Did I act too childish in my excitement?"

(Arnold smiled a little bit...)

Rishe bit her lip and scanned the surroundings once again.

(There's no sign of anyone nearby. Thanks to the knights who are patrolling everywhere while we take our nighttime stroll.)

Trying not to be too conscious of the hand holding Arnold's, Rishe spoke up.

"I'll give you an update, Your Highness Arnold."

"Go ahead."

With a nod from Rishe, her chest held the pride of both an apothecary and a knight.

"I went to see how the women who were abducted were doing. It seems the effects of the drugs given to them by the pirates have mostly worn off."

"I've received reports. Your medicine seems to have worked well." Arnold replied.

"Yes, I'm relieved for now. And the effectiveness of the antidote has been proven..."

"—Meaning?" Arnold, sensing where this was going, took a small breath. "So you're suggesting we can create a potion that neutralizes the sleep drugs pirates use."

"That's correct. ...With this, I can proceed with the plan more confidently, even when I'm acting as bait." Rishe said confidently.

The crucial aspect of the plan is to have Rishe, disguised as "Lady Elise," abducted by the pirates. While it's essential to rescue the other abducted women, if Rishe herself becomes immobilized at the kidnappers' location, the plan loses its meaning.

"But—" Arnold frowned.

"Your Highness?"

Arnold seemed somewhat exasperated by Rishe's way of reporting.

"While it should go without saying, prioritize your safety over the success rate of the plan."

"...I apologize."

Seeing Arnold furrow his brow slightly, Rishe chided herself for causing him worry. However, this is a case of human trafficking that spans nations. If Rishe doesn't handle it well, it won't be possible to minimize casualties.

(Just like the war that's going to happen in the future.)

Despite being restrained by her beloved, her resolve remains unwavering.

"I'll proceed with caution. Fortunately, Aria Trading Company has established this city as one of their bases recently! So, even if we're short on ingredients for the potion, we should be able to procure them."

"Are there enough resources for making the potion? It's not just about having the ingredients; having enough, including reserves, might be difficult." 

"In theory, there shouldn't be any issues. But if there are signs of delay in preparation, I'll consult with you immediately. I intend to make good use of the lessons learned at the cathedral." Rishe lowered her gaze. 


A few months ago, during an incident where a poisoned arrow grazed Rishe's neck, they had transported all available antidotes, including reserves, to the patient. It was a precaution against accidents during transportation, but it ended up delaying Rishe's treatment.

7th Time Loop WN Vol. 6 Fan TranslationWhere stories live. Discover now