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Leaning against the wall, Raul muttered under his breath.

"A warmonger... A merchant of death."

It was a phrase they'd rather not hear. Arnold lowered his gaze and spoke in a monotone voice.

"The man we faced on the ship had an excellent dagger. Even in this country, where skilled blacksmiths abound, few can make such a blade."

(Your Highness...)

Rishe hadn't been able to observe the dagger that had wounded Arnold up close. However, just from the gleam of the blade she saw in the flames, she could assert that it was of high quality.

(One reason Arnold's wound healed quickly was because the blade of that dagger was very sharp. Wounds from a dull blade take longer to heal and are more severe than those from a sharp one.)

The quality of the weapon the enemy wielded helped the healing from the goddess's blood. Despite the complex feelings, there were other things to discuss now.

"That man is likely involved in the trade of weapons. And not just any arms dealer..." Arnold said with boredom in his voice. "...He profits from inciting conflicts between nations and instigating wars."


At this moment, Rishe entertained a disturbing thought.

(...Perhaps he's not an 'enemy' of Arnold after all...)

After the events on the ship last night, Rishe had been convinced. The man in the hood who called himself Thaddeus was someone who posed a threat to Arnold. But maybe she had been mistaken.

(Perhaps the future Arnold... 'Emperor Arnold Hein,' instead...)

Her throat made a small clicking sound involuntarily.

(...He recruited that man to be part of his own ranks, didn't he...?)

It was possible that future Arnold had acquired Sharga's ships because of this.

(Maybe it wasn't a coincidence that Sharga shipbuilders, who were abducted and sold to Galkhein, ended up there. ...It's more reasonable to think that they presented ships for war to His Highness Arnold, rather than his Father, with a clear intention to incite a war...)

If that were the case, it was similar to when Michel, the alchemy teacher, chose Arnold as the recipient for the gunpowder.

(His Highness Arnold fascinated the 'merchant of death.' ...As someone who could launch wars on the world and move history significantly...)

Rishe tensed, hoping her reasons wouldn't be discerned.

(At this moment, I know that His Highness Arnold is a kind person. That's why he's also someone who wouldn't hesitate to use any means...)

Her heart pounded uncomfortably. But she didn't let it show on her face, exhaling briefly.

(...Still, I'll change the future.)

With that determination, she looked up at Arnold beside her.

(This seventh loop in my life is fundamentally different. The future has changed because I was by His Highness Arnold's side and events unfolded where he protected me from that fatal blade.)

For Rishe, who wanted to increase Arnold's allies, it was unwelcome to realize that there were adversaries. But she knew she had to use everything at her disposal to stand a chance against Arnold.

"No matter what, we shouldn't choose any means." She told this to the person she admired from the bottom of her heart. "When entities target Galkhein, they always employ strategies that involve other countries when making inappropriate moves toward us."


She continued. "If these are not aimed at trapping Galkhein but at inciting conflicts between nations, we are giving into their interests. If there are various other methods being used, the sparks will only spread."

Arnold let out a small breath and peered down at Rishe, his eyes squinting. "Do you believe it's necessary for you to become bait and go to rescue the victims?"

Seeing his expression, Rishe realized. Although Arnold's words sounded ironic, his actual feelings were different.

"...Do you think I'm being used for Galkhein's problems?" shea sked.

"............" Arnold furrowed his brows slightly, but Rishe found it amusing.

"Heh. If that were the case, it would be a mistake." she said.

"What?" Arnold making a mistake was rare from Rishe's perspective. That's why she looked up at him and smiled faintly.

"I should have a duty, and I'm very proud of it. After all," She stared into his blue eyes and said clearly. "I am undoubtedly Your Highness Arnold Hain's bride, am I not?"


His eyes, the color of the sea, were fixed on Rishe.

Even if she wasn't allowed to prepare herself as a wife, even if she wasn't allowed to express her wishes, that fact would never change. Rishe stood tall with pride and raised her clenched fists.

"And rest assured! I've already observed how women were bound when we rescued them from the first slave ship. If it's a similar situation, even if I'm tied up, I can escape from the ropes!"

"...I'm not talking about that." he sighed.

"Hahaha. Your Highness Arnold, you can't beat Rishe, can you?" Oliver, who had been watching nearby, laughed cheerfully. Arnold glanced at him looking annoyed, as Oliver continued smiling.

7th Time Loop WN Vol. 6 Fan TranslationWhere stories live. Discover now