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After finishing Yoel's and the women's treatment, Rishe returned to the mansion where they were staying and found Arnold secluded in the bedroom.

It was all to check the progress of his wounds and apply fresh ointment. Arnold had removed his upper clothing and was sitting on the bed. Rishe sat on a nearby chair, lifted her gaze after finishing her inspection.

"It seems the 'Blood of the Goddess' works quickly during the acute phase of the wound."

She opened the lid of the small bottle containing the ointment and dipped a dedicated brush into it. Arnold, seeming disinterested yet still attentive to Rishe's words, listened.

"The bleeding stopped remarkably quickly on the night when Your Highness was injured. However, the healing since then has been normal, and there's no sign of the wound closing quickly."

"I see."

"Do you have any pain when you move?"

Arnold was too adept at hiding it. Even the difference in mobility between his left and right side, which should have been noticeable due to an old neck injury, was not easily discerned.

"Are you really not pushing yourself too hard?"

Rishe stared intently, but Arnold's expression remained unchanged. Instead, he reached out to her and cupped her face in his hands. Silent, he gently pressed her cheeks, causing Rishe to panic.

"Y-you, you're teasing me...!"


Although she protested, Arnold seemed strangely amused. Puffing her right cheek in annoyance, Rishe continued applying the ointment.

"And are you feeling any discomfort anywhere on your body?"

"Both physically and mentally, I'm without a single scratch... I didn't expect to be treated with such care."

Arnold slightly furrowed his brow. But this was an important matter.

"That treatment on the ship was odd no matter how you look at it. Despite being treated courteously as merchandise, they didn't even search for concealed weapons... It seems their main business isn't simply trafficking noble ladies."


"And also, about the matter of the nautical charts I mentioned to Your Highness earlier."

On the deck, Rishe informed Arnold,

"That ship was supposed to stop by Cetena."


Arnold's lack of response here was as expected. Currently, Raul was aware that he was still on that ship.

(Cetena is a northern port town and also a route to Coyolles. It's not unnatural for a ship leaving this town to go there. But...)

While bandaging Arnold's wounds, Rishe pondered.

(The Lord of Cetena is Lord Lawvine. And Arnold's coldness towards Lord Lawvine... )

Behind the slave traders stands a man who calls himself "Thaddeus." Probably, that man, presumed to be a weapons dealer, considers civil unrest as the next most lucrative venture after inter-country warfare.

(This is still just speculation. But on the first day when I infiltrated the ten-day training as a knight candidate, Lord Lawvine wasn't there.)

Lawvine joined the training from the second day.

"Youngsters should grow more. From tomorrow, I'll also join your training, so please look after me. Although I couldn't participate in today's training due to a delay in my journey, how was your impression?"

7th Time Loop WN Vol. 6 Fan TranslationWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt