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Rishe's voice trembled not only from the relief of seeing Arnold's face. She understood that he had come to help. Nevertheless, she couldn't help but worry about the injury she had caused him a few days ago, and she inadvertently voiced her concerns.

"Your Highness, I asked you not to come...!"

"And I said I cannot accept that." Arnold said as he pulled Rishe towards him.

Immediately after, they were hit by a strong tremor, and Rishe braced herself to not burden Arnold too much. Arnold handed her something. It was a bow and arrow and a sword for Rishe.

There were two swords, and one was likely for Yoel. In a fight on the open deck like this, swords with a wider range of attack were advantageous over daggers.

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Arnold understood what Rishe wanted at times like this.

The sailors, taken aback by Arnold's sudden appearance, glared at him and prepared to attack.

"Damn it! Who the hell are you—...!?"

The angry voice was cut off when the speaker collapsed. After giving the enemies a cold glare, Arnold glanced at Yoel.

Yoel, struggling to stand, gripped his sword tightly as he repeated shallow breaths, lowering his center of gravity. The enemy swung a sword at Yoel, but he immediately dodged it and struck back.

(Despite the circumstances, Yoel's swordplay has improved...!?)

Watching Yoel's movements, Arnold narrowed his eyes ever so slightly.

"Yoel, catch!"


As Yoel caught the sword Rishe threw, swaying unsteadily, it was clear it wasn't just his imagination.

"Your Highness! Yoel helped me. He probably needs medical attention and can't fight for long."

"When the ship stops rocking, I'll drop the palace guards."

Rishe nodded and strung her bow, unable to aim directly at the men steering the ship due to the mast obstructing her view, but she could assist Yoel and Arnold.


Seeing Arnold and Rishe, Yoel was filled with disbelief.

His head throbbed from the earlier collision, his vision blurred, and he felt nauseous. Even though he already felt terrible, the ship rocked violently, exacerbating his condition. Yet, Yoel's limbs moved instinctively in response to the approaching rage and hostility, acting without his conscious direction.

Amidst this, his gaze inevitably turned not towards the enemies about to attack, but towards the figures standing together.

(Prince Arnold is protecting her... That should weaken him, shouldn't it?)


"Yoel, you're truly a genius with the sword."

When Yoel was still a child, the knight who was his instructor at a place where noble children learned swordsmanship said so.

His elder brother was the one who first taught him swordsmanship. From childhood, Yoel, who found everything bothersome and spent most of his time sleeping, considered this his first "fun" activity.

He constantly thought about swordplay when awake and clung to his brother, not relenting until his brother agreed to spar with him. His brother patiently accompanied him, but when the time for serious study to inherit the family estate approached, he said something like this.

7th Time Loop WN Vol. 6 Fan TranslationWhere stories live. Discover now