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Because of Arnold's intentions, Rishe had been chosen as his fiancée for some purpose.

(Asking for a kiss on my birthday under the pretext of the wedding ceremony, and then sticking so close to someone I like... it feels somehow wrong...)

Arnold gave her a puzzled look.

"――Ah." As if remembering something, he glanced at Rishe. "That's right."

"Your Highness?"

Arnold gently took Rishe's hand.


A murmur rose from the onlookers in the distance. Arnold guided Rishe's hand, clasping it around the cuff of his sleeve.

As Rishe looked up at him in surprise, Arnold gently asked her with a soft gaze. "Is this what they call 'training'?"

It was a very calm voice.

He had reconnected her hand to his sleeve, which had parted as he leapt onto the boat during the battle. Despite it being meaningless to Arnold, he was now trying to fulfill the wish she had made on the ship.

"Thank you, Your Highness." Squeezing his hand tightly, Rishe lowered her gaze.

(I'm really sorry for this...)

Yet, from Rishe's perspective, there was no way she could let go of his hand now. For the first time, she realized how troublesome the emotion of love could be.

After looking down at Rishe's hand gripping his sleeve, Arnold shifted his gaze to the surface of the canal before speaking. "The buying and selling of humans is prohibited in many countries."

Upon hearing his words, Rishe finally managed to raise her head.

"Naturally, the same applies in this country," he continued, "But since there is evidence of abducted individuals being brought in, it's safe to assume there are people facilitating human trafficking within the country."

Conversations like this could be relatively calmly exchanged. Relieved by this fact, Rishe spoke. "The women we rescued were all of noble status and, apart from being drugged, showed no signs of being harmed. During the long voyage, if pirates were treating them so respectfully... well, I hesitate to put it this way..."

"They weren't abducted as cheap slaves; they were considered 'high-value goods.'" Arnold bluntly stated what Rishe had hesitated to say. 

While saddened by the fact that humans could be valued in this way, Rishe nodded. "...In that case, the customer base would be limited, wouldn't it?"

"I'm investigating from that perspective. The locations and times of transactions, potential participants, and the merchants involved."

(Arnold must have foreseen this and chose that person as the accompanying knight.)

Thinking of the man with red eyes, Rishe continued. "And another thing, Your Highness. While tending to the rescued women, I listened to their stories. They were all women of noble or wealthy families. Shargar Kingdom probably knew about this trend of victims, which is why they could have Yoel kidnapped by pirates as bait."

Although Yoel wasn't a woman, he was still the second son of a noble family. There was a possibility that they used the family name for the undercover investigation.

In her knightly life, she had never heard the details around this area, but her speculation was probably not far off.

"...In the world of trade, what matters most is 'making a profit without loss,' as Tully once told me. When transporting goods from one place to another for sale, it's desirable not only to bring back the proceeds from sales but also to sell the goods brought back on the return trip."

"...And for the pirates, Galkhein serves not only as a trading ground but also..." Looking up at Arnold, Rishe continued. "As a hunting ground for noblewomen. It could also serve as a 'source of supply.'"

"――――..." Arnold probably had already anticipated what Rishe had just said.

The pirates who sold women abducted in Shargar to Galkhein might be planning to abduct people and sell them in other countries as well.

At that moment, a knight approached Rishe and Arnold. "I have a report for you, Lord Arnold, Lady Rishe."

The person smiling warmly was someone who had recently joined Arnold's personal guard. However, that was just on the surface. According to him, he was "cooperating with Arnold to serve as a reference for national defense" rather than being a member of Galkhein's knight order. Smiling with narrowed red eyes was Raul.


Giving an exaggeratedly respectful bow, the head of the intelligence organization reported. "We apologize for intruding while you are enjoying your time together as a couple. It pains me deeply to behave so rudely..."

"Don't waste words. Just report what's necessary." Arnold interrupted.

"Don't rush me, Your Highness. I've brought the information you requested so eagerly." Raul continued.

The other knights were still far away, continuing to keep the citizens at a distance. Thus, the conversation between the three would not be heard by anyone else.

"There are quite a few trading companies catering to nobles and the wealthy, from what I've seen at a glance. But considering everything, the one that smells the fishiest to me is the one conducting 'grand soirées on giant passenger ships, inviting many wealthy individuals and showcasing goods for sale during negotiations.'"

"Grand soirées on passenger ships..."

"At the appointed time, the ships set sail and remain anchored offshore while the guests indulge in food and drink. At first glance, it appears to be a cheerful banquet, but upon closer inspection, it seems like they might be conducting secret transactions, rigorously excluding outsiders, don't you think?"

Listening to this, Rishe had a fairly good idea of what was going on.

"They must be selecting their partners during those negotiations. Either as buyers for their secret goods... or as targets for their next merchandise."

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