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Having assisted Arnold with his morning preparations, Rishe felt relieved to see that his wound was healing even more than yesterday.

They headed to the parlour together, where several plush chairs were arranged, and Rishe sat next to Arnold.

(Yoel looks sleepy.)

As a guest from Sharga, Yoel was seated a little further away.

(Even though he looks like this, Yoelseems to be trying hard internally. He seems excited...)

A place like a strategy meeting might not be suitable for Yoel. However, since the incident involving human trafficking began with a request for cooperation from Sharga, Yoel, as Sharga's envoy, was necessary.

Oliver, who was standing beside Arnold, began. "Once again, let's share the information from yesterday."

Arnold was resting his chin on his armrest, and his demeanor was unchanged from usual.

It might be due to the progress of healing and the effectiveness of Rishe's pain relievers, but above all, Arnold's patience was strong.

(But Raul has undoubtedly noticed His Highness's injury...)

Glancing at Raul standing beside the door, Rishe noticed him making a fox-like gesture with his hand. Despite his playful behavior, his observational skills were those of a top-class hunter.

"A person named Thaddeus was posing as a trading merchant in Sharga."

The hooded man who stabbed Arnold, 'Thaddeus,' hadn't been found.

However, traces of him were still being searched for. Oliver continued with several documents he seemed to have compiled himself.

"He had blonde hair and aquamarine eyes. He appeared at social gatherings attended by many young ladies, not as an acquaintance of any noble, but it seems he was brought by another merchant."

"Oliver. What about the introducing merchant...?"

"The 'Curetta Trading Company.' At least, this company's name doesn't show up in Galkhein's records."

Oliver had gathered the information Rishe wanted. As she felt the excellence of the attendant Oliver placed by Arnold's side, Rishe responded.

"Then, let's ask President Tully of the Aria Trading Company to investigate through the connections between trading companies. Even if it's uncertain whether the man named Thaddeus is a 'merchant,' it might be effective to scrutinize those indirectly involved."

"Once again, the network you've expanded, Rishe, is truly invaluable." After Oliver solemnly remarked, he nodded. "If you don't mind, I'd like to send a letter from Rishe to the Aria Trading Company later."

"Yes. The president should be in the capital, so I'll prepare it immediately."

Smiling Oliver, continued his report,"Thaddeus was skilled as a merchant and captured the hearts of various young ladies. However, although he didn't respond to their invitations, he gradually deepened his exchanges with the victim of this incident."

"Ah... It's a common tactic..." As Raoul muttered, all eyes turned to him.

Shrugging his shoulders, Raoul, as the leader of the hunters who would resort to assassination or kidnapping if necessary for his lord, spoke. "It's the most effective method for abducting people. Gain the trust of the person you want to take and make them follow the kidnapper willingly. It's a despicable method."

"As Raulsays... As a result, even after being confined to a slave ship and brought to Galkhein, the victim couldn't suspect Thaddeus."

Arnold squinted his eyes and asked Oliver for confirmation. "We can safely assume that there was no outsider intrusion into the inn where the rescued victim was resting."

"Yes. It seems there was a prior arrangement for her to escape alone at night." Oliver confirmed.

"A promise, you mean?" Unexpectedly, Rishe blinked in surprise at that.

"Yes. She was told, 'If you happen to be found midway and are captured by a third party under the pretext of "rescue," escape and find the largest ship.'"

"To be so thorough..." Furrowing her brow, Rishe looked up at Arnold. "Your Highness Arnold. This human trafficking...?"

"The goal isn't to buy and sell humans." Arnold answered.


Yoel, who seemed sleepy and fluffy, tilted his head. "Why? They're selling the kidnapped girls, right?"

"Of course, it's true that such intentions can be inferred. However, fundamentally, he's behaving in ways that are impossible for a 'merchant.'"

The contradiction inherent in calling someone who kidnaps and sells people a 'merchant' was difficult to overlook.

Regardless of Rishe's feelings, as long as a slave trader was 'trading people,' the contradiction remained.

"...This method will never truly be 'trade'."

7th Time Loop WN Vol. 6 Fan TranslationWhere stories live. Discover now